Monday, July 25, 2011

Not only is it not June...

But it's almost not July, either!

So I must tell you, briefly, that I had my first Sunday front-page story. Which is a big deal! And as cool as that is, you know what's even cooler?

The fact that when I told my brother I had a Sunday front-page story, he went out and bought the paper.

Brothers can be cool sometimes.

I'm gearing up for another wedding blitz, so I'm sure there will be many smiles about.

And y'know what else? August brings visitors to Atlanta. I'm excited to see you guys, loyal readers, you.


Danny said...
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Danny said...

I told my dad about your story and he made a point to find it and read it, too.

Arielle said...

Aw, that's so sweet! Thanks.