Wednesday, May 27, 2020


Today, I accomplished two things: I got produce and I got a new windshield.

My windshield has had a crack in it for way too long, and I have basically been ignoring it because that's easier than doing something about it. But last week, I made an appointment (and discovered a company discount!) and today, a man came to my house and put a new windshield on my car. And that it fabulous!

Then, while he was working on my car, a CSA box arrived. I'd wanted to do a CSA years ago, but never was home often enough. And now things have changed! So it's a thing I can do to get a variety of produce (and today, some bread) and figure out how to experiment with things that I didn't often use.

I'm excited about both things! Probably more the food than the car, if we're being honest, but the next time I drive somewhere and don't have a pit-of-my-stomach worry that the windshield's going to shatter will be wonderful, too.

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