Tuesday, June 26, 2012


This morning, the so-called song of summer (maybe) came on the radio on my way into work. Unless you've been under a rock, you've heard Call Me Maybe pretty much everywhere.

I'm not ashamed to admit that I kind of love this song. But the real reason I love it is this dramatic reading of the song, which I must have listened to at least a half-dozen times.

It still makes me grin so big.

Also! This exists! I haven't listened yet, but I'm way excited about the mix.

Thursday, June 7, 2012


So, I know the newest U.S. Poet Laureate.

And that's kind of cool.

Also, I'm nerdily excited to tell you that I'm now the proud owner of a library card to the Library of Congress (which is where said poet laureate will set up shop come January). In case you were wondering, despite requiring a photo and a signature, it is not an official government ID.

Monday, June 4, 2012

Playing the blues

On my flight back to Atlanta last weekend, the pilot played harmonica over the loudspeaker while telling us how long we'd be in the air, and how many miles we would traverse.

He was actually pretty good.