Tuesday, January 15, 2019

Around the world

One of my favorite things about Atlanta is the diversity -- and the diversity of food, which lets me eat my way around the world.

On Saturday, I had tamales at a Mexican restaurant, followed by cream buns at a Korean bakery. I stopped at a Polish grocery store to restock my freezer with pierogi and ate Japanese food for dinner.

And none of them on Buford Highway!

I usually don't hit that many in a day, but what fun to cross continents in that way over just a few hours.

Racing stripes

On the way in to work this morning, I heard a song that made me smile. It included the lines "my dog has racing stripes" and "I named my dog Springsteen, cuz it was born to run."

Of course, I tried to find the song when I got to the office. But the internet isn't cooperating, and it's nowhere to be found! Do you know this song? Can you find it for me? I'll be forever grateful.

Monday, January 7, 2019

Swearing in

I came across this tweet:
which asks what book one would be sworn in on, if not a religious text.

I love the variety and thoughtfulness of the answers -- from "The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy" (it says "Don't Panic" in big letters right on the cover!) to "A Tale of Two Cities" to "Everybody Poops."

Mine? "The Phantom Tollbooth." Easy.