Thursday, December 24, 2020

The sky

Today, the sky was lavender. Probably a combination of storm clouds and sunset. It was vibrant and unexpected and gorgeous. 

Wednesday, December 23, 2020

Read the comments

I always go into a comment section with apprehension. But seeing this as the first one on a story I wrote this week made me smile so big:

"I knew I'd love this article after the first sentence."

It had multiple likes, too. And as nice as it is to get feedback from strangers, it was even greater to hear from friends and colleagues who thought it was good. Hooray.

Saturday, December 19, 2020

Favorite words

One of the options on a press-one-for-X menu I called today included hearing a radio personality say her favorite words. 

So I did! And she did. Among them: splendid and hilarious. 

Wednesday, December 2, 2020


Somehow, I skipped all of November. Oops!

Today, I'm excited that a friend dropped off a surprise - a tote bag she decorated and some baked goods inside. I'll be having muffins for breakfast the next few days, and that sounds delicious. And the bag is lovely.