Tuesday, December 14, 2010

He speaks the truth

It has been far too long without an update. My apologies, on behalf of all of us. It will still be long between updates, but at least I can tell you a couple things:
  • My sister has come to visit. We've been exploring Atlanta and Georgia, including her new favorite place: Babyland General Hospital. They're thinking of building an amusement park.
  • It's snowed here, too. It even stuck. A little.
  • I met a Santa Claus who keeps every list children send or hand him, and scrapbooks them. He could not explain why.
  • I flew in the Goodyear Blimp. And it was awesome, like a boat ride in the sky.
It's hardly everything, but it's a few things. And maybe you're still out there, looking for joy.

1 comment:

Danny said...

Ok, I want the story behind the blimp!