Tuesday, March 27, 2012

On pollen

It's pollen season.

If you haven't spent any amount of time in the South, this probably doesn't mean much to you. If you have, you understand that this is a strange thing to make me smile.

But it does, in part -- in large part -- because this pollen season has been worse than any other. The pollen has hit record levels. The pollen is falling from the sky. The pollen isn't just covering cars in a film, it's covering everything in a thick, impenetrable blanket.

And it reminds me of snow.

I'm lucky in that it doesn't make me sneeze and itch and want to be indoors (knock on wood). So I can marvel at the way the wind moves the pollen on the ground, and smile at way it comes down in clouds and feel like I have some semblance of winter, even though it's in the 70s, and no one got any winter to speak of.

1 comment:

Voracious_Boot said...

Oh Spring in Atlanta. If you can walk around and leave footprints, there is too much pollen