Thursday, April 26, 2012

Coffee in Brazil

I have a Fancy New Car -- who has yet to be named -- after Webster valiantly protected me from a collision several months ago.

This new car has many cool things going for it, one of which is satellite radio. Another is BlueTooth. Now normally, I'm not someone who gets all excited about car radios or hands-free technology, or even technology at all, but this morning -- while I was calculating how long it would be until the free satellite radio ran out and I would once again be denied Big Band tunes and commercial-free commutes -- I had an epiphany.

At traffic lights, I fiddled with my phone and with my radio. And right as I got to work, I discovered this: I am able to stream my favorite radio station through my phone and listen to it through my speakers, despite the fact that I'm three states away.

I only got to hear two songs this morning, but they were coffee-themed and adorable. And so I went into work this morning grinning, and humming about coffee in Brazil.

1 comment:

Chrys said...

Also - what is your favorite station and what is the state it is from?