Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Of people and ice cream

I've been absent for a while, but meaning to return. Today, a few things convinced me that it was time for a post.

Driving into work this morning, I saw a well-dressed man walking on a wall, instead of the sidewalk next to it. He hopped up like a little kid. It was grand.

At the office, a co-worker who I don't know very well rushed over to me excited. She'd overheard a conversation I had yesterday about the opening of Jeni's ice cream here. And what should arrive in the office, but six pints in dry ice?

It's delicious and amazing and wonderful and a little taste of home, of course. But it's the thought, too. And Jeni's opens tomorrow, so now I can go any time I need a fix.

And speaking of fixes, in another sense: I've been reminded in recent weeks and months that I know some really wonderful people. I really have been valuing the time I get to spend with them, and wishing I was closer to -- and therefore got more time with -- others of them. So thanks, people. It means a lot.

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