Thursday, December 20, 2018

It's a game!

It's so nice to see old friends, and I was so glad to get some quality time with one friend over the weekend. It's been too many years (years!) since we've seen each other. And while time alone is enough to make me smile, this made me grin even bigger:

That's right. It's a Kinder Egg board game. I'm thrilled that it exists, and that I know people well enough that they will see weird things and thing of me and save them for a year until they can hand them to me in person.

(For the record: The word game is a bit of an exaggeration, but it was still super.)

Tuesday, October 30, 2018


Nearly a decade ago, I dragged my friend (hi, friend!) to see the last remaining washboard factory in the United States.

She was at first resistant, but then loved it. We learned that the primary customers tend to be musicians and people who live off the grid, and we both went home with a lot of washboard paraphernalia.

I sent her this picture over the weekend, of washboards from the same factory in a south Georgia home I was touring. It made me grin to see it, and to share it.

(She replied with a long line of hahahas, and that made me grin, too.)

Monday, February 26, 2018

New life

It's a warm February, and the leaf debris that had gathered in the crease of my car's trunk apparently had some seeds in it. With sun and some rain, they've begun to germinate, and now I have a tiny garden in my car.

This isn't the first year this has happened. But I was delighted last time, and I'm delighted this time, too.