Friday, October 30, 2020


I managed to concoct a lasagna tonight out of cottage cheese, radish greens, and the noodles and jar of tomato sauce that had been hanging out in my pantry. It's not my normal recipe, by a long shot. But it was pretty tasty, especially for something that came together without much of a plan. 


Glad I didn't lose power today, as so many did. Some coworkers had to go to the office because there was no electricity at their houses - where we've been working since March. What a concept - having to go to the office as a backup for the first time in ages. I'm sure it would have been nice to see some friendly faces. But the snacks are better at home. 

Wednesday, October 28, 2020


I got a new batch the other day - American Gardens. I finally opened them to send some letters tonight and one of the ones they chose is Stan Hywet in Ohio. It made me smile to see it there. 

Tuesday, October 27, 2020


I love fortune telling in all its various forms. So I was thrilled yesterday when a box showed up on my door and it was a kit from a friend teaching me how to read tea leaves.

There's a mug and some loose leaf and instructions about how the whole thing works. But the best part is the list of symbols - what everything means. 

I can't wait to practice it. 

Monday, October 26, 2020


For months, I've been craving rice pudding. I had some leftover rice this weekend and thought, aha! Today will be the day! I stuck some milk in my freezer back in March and finally I would use it to make rice pudding! 

As it turns out, milk takes, like, two days to defrost in the refrigerator. So two days later, I finally made my rice pudding, prioritizing it over dinner because I knew if I waited, it probably wouldn't happen. (There was a lot of leftover rice as it turns out, so it may have been a fried rice and rice pudding kind of evening.)

But now the rice pudding exists and is creamy and delicious and I suspect I'll be making it again very soon. 

Friday, October 9, 2020


I'm not someone who likes shopping, but I had a few errands to run today. I bought stuff online, pressed a button or made a phone call to announce my presence and someone brought it to my car. I know that's how it's been going for a few months now -- but I want to take a moment to be grateful for it, as well as the few minutes I spent driving around during the day.

Thursday, October 8, 2020


I participate in an annual pool with a group of friends, acquaintances and strangers. And today I learned I'm tied for first! It goes until the end of the year, so there's plenty of time for others to pass me. But for now, it was nice.

And I have several friends who are interested in the standings, so it gave me an excuse to reach out and check in.

Wednesday, October 7, 2020


Muscadines have been growing on me the past few weeks.

Traditionally, I have liked the word more than the fruit. But my CSA had some good ones, and a friend shared some that she picked.

She handed them over in a box she made and her daughter decorated, and it was super exciting to see how thrilled she was to hand them off.

Plus, I'm getting used to them. They're no concord grapes, but they're not half bad.

Tuesday, October 6, 2020


I have a terrible habit of keeping too many tabs open on my computer. But I closed out a whole bunch today while watching meetings, and while it makes me realize just how many there are to go... there's still a sense of accomplishment in making a bunch of them go away.

We're getting there! Slowly but surely.

Monday, October 5, 2020

This weekend

I watched a movie outside, picked some apples, sat around a fire and talked with friends. If not for the masks and the distance, it might have felt like any other October. It wasn't ideal -- after all, there's still a pandemic -- but it was something.

Friday, October 2, 2020


There's a lot happening today, and it's maybe not something that makes me smile -- but man, am I grateful right now for all the big news days when I've been able to be in a newsroom. No matter the newsroom, it's a group of thoughtful, engaged, curious people who are willing to talk about the biggest happenings of the moment. 

I'm missing it right now, in month seven of working from home, but not in the same way I did when I was home on an election night (for example). Then, I knew the conversations were happening and I was not part of them. Sure, there are conversations happening all over the country. But very few of them are the newsroom conversations I long for. It's not that I'm left out of them. They don't exist. (At least not in my newsroom, today.)

So I'm grateful for all the times I could turn to the reporter next to me and raise my eyebrows and point and begin a tirade or a winding conversation that would inevitably end up somewhere unexpected. I hope I get to have that again. I don't expect it to be soon.

In the meantime: What a hell of a day. What a week. What a year.

Thursday, October 1, 2020


I am in love with this batch of five parrots that were all swearing and laughing at each other in a giant, recurring stew.