Tuesday, April 28, 2009

So many recent posts!

Let's have a poll. Which one takes the cake?
My vote is for this post, because it teaches you about the four Ruppies.
I want one.

-----Edit on April 29 2009 12:33 AM -------
Scratch the above, I want this.

This post is going straight to cuteness overload.......


Arielle said...

Mmmmm..... cake.

Danny said...

I think someone should bake me one, since I'm graduating. :-D Who here's local? Tanya? Andi?

Arielle said...

I've had to be stopped from trying to kidnap an otter from various aquariums and zoos on several occasions. I have a long-range plan to keep one in my bathtub.

Theresa said...

i want in otter in my tub too. i also think Danny should get a cake. And Ruppies scares teh bejebus out of me.