Thursday, May 28, 2009

The most wonderful time of the year

Those of you in Cleveland are likely sick of it before it starts, but... today is spelling bee day! And spelling bee day is a time for celebration (but not of the Rex Manning variety).

So, if you're looking for something to do tonight, I highly encourage the watching of said bee. It's monumentally entertaining, as last year's winner demonstrates.

And you can read more on Wednesday's preliminary developments here and see what's happening Thursday here, if I did this right. Yay spelling bees!

Edit: Cleveland speller in the finals! Cleveland speller in the finals!


Danny said...

I miss your parties!! :(

Danny said...

The post-commercial clips with the kids singing are awesome. "I put a spell on you?" Brilliant!

Arielle said...

One of the words was becquerel, which makes me smile!
Cleveland girl did well, but didn't win. WaPo blog -- I thought the girl "dinging" herself was the best (and most heartbreaking!) part.