Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Three things

I totally love Where the Wild Things Are, which I've seen twice. It's definitely not for everybody, but the emotion of it really made me smile, even when the story was sad.

I had a delicious egg salad sandwich at a downtown restaurant today. The secret ingredient? Truffle oil. Yeah, I think that'll make anything taste good.

Yesterday's mail included a long-expected postcard from a dear friend. I'd been anticipating a letter, but this was above what I thought would come -- a postcard with our faces on it, taken from the summer's golf carting adventure. It was unexpected and sweet.

1 comment:

Chrys said...

I am SO happy to see this post. For Several reasons. a) It means I have remembered the existence of this blog, which I have not checked in i-dont-know-how-long. b) you loved "Where the Wild Things Are" as well. I saw it with the girls at work. Most of them were not impressed. I am half convinced that somehow there was a shift in the time-space continuum, and we were not watching the same movie. One of them told me she didn't like it because there was no moral, no lesson. Ummm.... I NOTICED 3 or 4 while WATCHING it. Let alone what I might be able to come up with if I tried. WTF?!?!?!