Sunday, June 21, 2020

Mr. Mac

I learned today that one of my favorite high school teachers died. I had him for at least three classes, and my siblings had him, too. He came to know my family, and he was a sort of legend, at least to me. A jolly Santa Claus-type, with a glass eye and a booming voice, he always had a story (or several) to regale you with. I still remember one about belly dancing and driving during an Atlanta ice storm, and tales of Alaska. He offered to chauffeur students to their weddings in a fancy car.

I was glad to see that we corresponded a little after I graduated. It's been many years, but I have a couple emails in my mailbox. And I learned a little more about him in his obituary -- he liked trains, and had a collection.

I don't know that I ever would have managed to reach out again. But I'm glad to be thinking of him. He had an impact, and his presence in the world will be missed.

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