Thursday, April 23, 2009

He's mine!

Usually, I just gaze at bike messengers from afar, but today I shared an elevator with one.

I learned that the secret of happy bike messengering is to dress in layers. Especially when you have 11-hour shifts (not fun) and the day starts in the 30s and is supposed to end near the 70s. (It didn't get there, but he had no way of knowing that this morning.)

My bike messenger (yes -- I'm claiming him) had a bag slung across his chest that had a seatbelt, complete with buckle, for a strap. I should have asked him where it came from. Because now I kind of want one.


Chrys said...

my sister can answer that question. She almost got a bag like that. They are super expensive. But super awesome. Water proof, etc.

Chrys said...