Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Loosen those belts

I like cranberry sauce. And tomorrow's cranberry day.

Enjoy, everyone, and happy Thanksgiving!

Monday, November 23, 2009

Let them eat... meat!

I'm a vegetarian. So the turkey-shaped cake -- complete with frosting drumsticks -- that a couple friends got me this weekend for my birthday was particularly amusing.

Never mind that it said Happy Thanksgiving or that it tasted nothing like turkey flesh (I'm only assuming here). It looked like the real thing, and it's not often you get to carve, not cut, a cake.

I'll post a picture if I get emailed any.

Friday, November 20, 2009

'Tis the season

The past couple days, I've come across workers stringing lights on downtown trees and buildings. This is nice, first of all, because it's starting to be dusk-verging-on-dark when I leave work, and the lights add some brightness. Second of all, I thought it was neat that the lights are on when they're strung.

Presumably, this is so they can make sure the whole string is working or see that they're appropriately spaced as they're being hung. But I liked it because it was just neat to see a long string of light move so elegantly.

Monday, November 16, 2009


While leaving the psychology building this afternoon, I saw a female midget sitting on the front steps leading up to the building. I find midgets highly entertaining, for some peculiar reason: every midget I see makes me smile and clap my hands gleefully. Maybe because I think they'd make a good pet? Or maybe a meal? (Of course, there's always that morbid sense of curiosity about midget porn, but that's an entirely different bucket of worms.....)

Feliz cumpleanos

Today's my sister's birthday... and her friends blew up 150 balloons and filled her room with them. It reminded me of the ball rooms at amusement parks when I was little and looks like lots of fun.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009


I jumped in a big pile of leaves yesterday.


In my work clothes.

Thursday, November 5, 2009

It's the only reason I watched it

On my flight to Puerto Rico this morning (which, in itself, is another very, very pleasantest thing!), the in-flight movie was called "I Hate Valentine's Day." Although the movie itself was pretty lame, there was one scene where the leading lady -- who was obviously on some combination of lithium and ecstasy throughout first 4/5th of the film -- angrily throws something mushy (I couldn't tell what it was) against a wall, screaming, "Valentine's Day BLOWS!!!!" I almost cheered audibly; the change in attitude was a complete 180 from her previous "Love is wonderful, dating is so much fun, Valentine's Day is the best day EVER!!" mentality.
Isn't bitterness fun??? :-D

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Shiny objects

I got complimented twice at Starbucks today, by two different baristas. One said he liked my necklace (which is an abalone shell that I got for my bat mitzvah, though I can't for the life of me remember who it's from -- and now that's kind of bothering me; it looks vaguely like an oilie sticker -- who remembers those?), then asked the other barista if he liked my necklace. Barista two was not impressed.

Barista two, though, thought my credit card was pretty sweet. It has a picture of a daisy (or something) on it, and was apparently different enough to stand out.

Does anyone else get compliments on their credit cards? That happens to me more than I think is normal, but maybe people are just super-impressed by unusual card markings.

Just... wow

I will add no commentary to this, except to say it's probably inappropriate (maybe not in a NSFW way, but kind of bordering on it) and I really, really love the generous use of asterisks. Really love.

Oh, and you should really click and read it. Obviously.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Three things

I totally love Where the Wild Things Are, which I've seen twice. It's definitely not for everybody, but the emotion of it really made me smile, even when the story was sad.

I had a delicious egg salad sandwich at a downtown restaurant today. The secret ingredient? Truffle oil. Yeah, I think that'll make anything taste good.

Yesterday's mail included a long-expected postcard from a dear friend. I'd been anticipating a letter, but this was above what I thought would come -- a postcard with our faces on it, taken from the summer's golf carting adventure. It was unexpected and sweet.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

On the road again

While running errands today, I drove past a "Lord of Life Pumpkin Patch" and an alpaca farm. There were about 20 outside grazing. I was pretty psyched.