Saturday, March 21, 2009

I've been delinquent

Sorry, all you seekers of joy!

It's tardy, but I was most excited by last weekend's rash of named days -- Friday the 13th, Pi Day, the Ides of March and St. Patrick's Day, nearly all in a row.

And on St. Patrick's Day, the top of the Terminal Tower was green-lit and happy. Toora Loora Loora was on the Big Band station, followed by other Irish music. And there were drunken, green-clad people everywhere downtown -- including a guy in a Leprechaun costume and a gigantic green mohawk.

It was pretty snazzy to see so many people bouncing around, even if I did have to work through it.

Other awesome things: fantastic hot chocolate, the converging of friends from four states for makeshift reunions, Clue, international films, the making of new friends and the reconnecting with old ones -- and finding out they're worth reconnecting with, Gail Collins, Pandora and this song.

It doesn't make up for my absence, but maybe it's enough to tide you over for the inevitable next one.

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