Tuesday, April 14, 2020

Book club

I've been going to the same book club (practically) every month for nine years, so it was a bummer when it looked like that whole staying-at-home thing was going to put a damper on it. But lo and behold, Zoom. We were still able to meet.

I most appreciate the thoughtful, intellectual (and often not) conversations we have about characters and choices and motivations. And especially working alone in a room, I was really glad to be part of a long, windy conversation with a bunch of smart women.

And amazingly, we (for the most part) didn't talk over each other and conversation just flowed.

Plus, a friend (who I hope also enjoyed it -- if not the book) was able to join, too, from another state. It was great to see her face and to hear her weigh in on the book, too. So I feel a little closer to her and to the group, both.

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