Wednesday, April 1, 2020

The best kind of petty

A friend was lamenting that her boss is making people write up short bios for daily updates that are getting sent out. They include hobbies, something the employee is grateful for and an inspiring read.

While well-meaning, my friend reports that it's actually awkward and inauthentic.

One of her coworkers, similarly frustrated with the edict, decided to troll the boss with her book pick.

She thought about Lolita. 50 Shades of Gray. The Bible. But her ultimate pick of A Little Life was so much better than all of those.

If you haven't read it, A Little Life -- which sounds like it could be an inspiring read! -- is pretty much the darkest book I've ever read. It's absolutely gorgeous, with wonderful statements about friendship and how people grow. (Like, so good that I took pictures of paragraphs and sent them to people!)

It's also absolutely gutting, and not in a Nicholas Sparks kind of way. It's an inspired choice.

But please don't read it to feel better about anything. Unless other people's (fictional) misery somehow makes you happier.

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