Thursday, April 16, 2020

You're never fully dressed

You know, I din't go very far these days. So the temptation to work in pajamas wins out ... quite a bit. I think I do feel better when I'm wearing real clothes, but that doesn't stop me from not doing it.

Today, I took a mid-afternoon hot shower (which was also pretty wonderful) and then pulled a dress from the back of my closet. It's not the fanciest dress -- it's the kind that I'd wear to a casual brunch wedding (and have!) but haven't put on recently. Maybe it's out of fashion. Maybe it's not the most flattering. Maybe my style has changed. At home, it's the right outfit for the occasion!

I'm going to a (Zoom) birthday party tonight, too. So I'll look a little fancier that my PJs.

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