Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Peanut butter M&Ms

Yeah, I know, there's a lot of food on here these days. What're you gonna do? It's how we're all spending a lot of our time.

Among the snacks I got to get me through quarantine was a giant bag of peanut butter M&Ms.

They've long been my favorite M&Ms because they are delicious (first of all). They remind me of a friend from high school, who would always let me borrow money to get some from the vending machine when we we stayed after school (as long as she got to eat the green ones). And the Bee's social media team has gotten in the habit of bringing all the interesting M&Ms flavors to the workroom, so they make me think of that, too.

I had a long meeting to watch today (four hours!) so I rationed a handful of peanut butter M&Ms to help me get through it. They did the trick.

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