Wednesday, April 22, 2020

Heating pad

One of my assignments at my first job was to go to a school where students were studying something to do with entrepreneurship and had created products that they would sell to their classmates. I don't remember if they used real money or fake (my guess is the latter), but I remember perusing the various items that the elementary or middle schoolers had made and not really seeing anything that I, an adult(ish) person, needed.

And then! One kid had made those microwaveable heating pads that are basically a sock filled with grains. His were cloth rectangles that he (or a relative) had sewn together and I immediately knew that I wanted one. Mine was fuzzy blue material and this kid was so excited that I was getting it from him. I wish I could find the story, but I still have -- and use -- the heating pad. I did last night. And I think of the smile on that kid's face and I wish I could tell him these (12? 15?) years later that I still use this little thing he made. He's probably a college grad now, maybe is deciding what adult(ish) things he needs. I love the thought that he's got one of these, too, and there are a whole group of us from this classroom sale still excited about these heating pads (which have held up so well).

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