Saturday, October 25, 2008

Ben met Anna

Made a hit

Neglected beard

Ben-Anna split

Burma Shave

And now xkcd shares my joy!

(Here's a whole collection. I could read these things for hours.... and hours and hours.)

Ha -- this would be so funny!


Danny said...

Maybe it's because your next post concerns the election so it's on the top of my mind, but I really lik the one that says, "Candidate says/Campaign confusing/Babies kiss me/since I've been using/Burma-Shave. I had never heard of this until xkcd last week, but I love it. Where is it today???

Arielle said...

Where is xkcd, or Burma Shave? Wikipedia says they revived the brand not too long ago, but not the advertising. Although I see signs in that vein every once in a while (though never as awesome as the ones they'd come up with), and just the thought of consecutive signs makes me smile.

It's not hard at all, is it?

As far as xkcd -- it updates M/W/F.