Tuesday, October 21, 2008

I'm a winner

Our offices are being renovated sometime in the next few months, and my bosses are taking the opportunity to clean out drawers. Who knows why they have what they do, but they've taken to giving out prizes for random things.

One person won an oven mitt last week when his question was selected for a "man on the street" type feature. And today, the big boss had a grab bag of items from Marc's, only the best store there ever was. I swear to God, you can find everything you ever need at that store if you go on the right day. They sell organic vegetables and rugs, outdoor grills and small boats, Halloween candy and live birds. It's incredible.

But I digress. One person, who organized some awards ceremony, pulled out a cooler. Another one got a knife set and a thermos for scooping the competition twice. A third took home a Christmas pillow and a set of four champagne flutes for breaking a story that the Wall Street Journal later covered on its front page.

And I pulled out first a shaving cream dispenser (it was returned to the bag for something more female-appropriate) and then a cheese board for two stories I wrote about a speech by the head of a local bank last week.

Alas, the cheese board was supposed to come with all sorts of cheese-knife accouterments, but they were missing from the package. So my boss threw in a combination peeler/slicer for good measure.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...
