Yesterday, while driving through Atlanta on the Downtown Connector, I saw a large billboard that said, "Google this: puppy mills."
Enough said.
Thursday, December 31, 2009
It makes me happy
When people who I like like each other. And there's been a good bit of that in recent weeks.
Super awesome dark chocolate also makes me happy. Yum.
A happy 2010 to all y'all!
Super awesome dark chocolate also makes me happy. Yum.
A happy 2010 to all y'all!
Friday, December 25, 2009
Yesterday, I saw a car with Christmas lights -- lit up -- strung through and around the roof rack.
There was a flock of birds that looked like an amoeba, pulsing in and out as the fowl dodged about in the wind.
In the mailbox, there was a Christmas card from our mail carrier. Also, in Sunday's paper, one from the delivery person.
Holidays are a great time for real mail. And visitors who are returning to see family. Sometimes, those visitors even have boxes of awesomeness.
Business-class flights include free alcohol.
I've just finished the first 24 hours of what will be an amazing week of delicious Indian food and fantastic friends. And a fluffy dog.
Good tidings, y'all.
Sunday, December 20, 2009
And then we eat it

Now... imagine it made out of candy.
All the more amazing, right?
I went to the Cleveland Botanical Garden with a friend today to see the gingerbread houses (I can't seem to find pictures from this year's, and neither of us brought a camera), and was expecting some impressive work -- like the gingerbread treehouse, for example, or some pretty cute gingerbread churches. But we also saw that house. And it was amazing.
Also exciting? My brand new hat (It's the Yeti, but in Monster blue).
Thursday, December 17, 2009
Regret the error
When journalists make mistakes in their work, they're supposed to acknowledge and fix those mistakes at the next possible opportunity -- in the next day's paper, by fixing it in an online story, by announcing the mistake on-air. I can really only speak for newspapers, but most, if not all, have a space for those corrections, often on page two.
There's a great Web site that tracks corrections, called Regret the Error. It gets the name from the last sentence of many corrections, which is often the publication saying that it does, in fact, regret having made the error.
They're often entertaining and interesting reads. But I want to call your attention to the 2009 best-of list.
The funny doesn't really start until four screens down (skip the fact-checking part unless you're inherently interested in that sort of thing and start with the Correction of the Year).
I'll let you read the correction itself, which is most unfortunate. And a number of the corrections contained in the list (or more appropriately, the mistakes that were made that led to the corrections being on that list) were hysterical. But the thing that made me laugh out loud while sitting at work was a Twitter meme referring to that correction of the year. Its hashtag is #washingtonpostcorrections and in case they're off the screen by the time you search it, it includes such gems as:
And some real corrections (from the best-of) to whet your palate:
There's a great Web site that tracks corrections, called Regret the Error. It gets the name from the last sentence of many corrections, which is often the publication saying that it does, in fact, regret having made the error.
They're often entertaining and interesting reads. But I want to call your attention to the 2009 best-of list.
The funny doesn't really start until four screens down (skip the fact-checking part unless you're inherently interested in that sort of thing and start with the Correction of the Year).
I'll let you read the correction itself, which is most unfortunate. And a number of the corrections contained in the list (or more appropriately, the mistakes that were made that led to the corrections being on that list) were hysterical. But the thing that made me laugh out loud while sitting at work was a Twitter meme referring to that correction of the year. Its hashtag is #washingtonpostcorrections and in case they're off the screen by the time you search it, it includes such gems as:
- PamPF99 Please note that The Monkees are in fact believers, and not heretics as reported. The Post regrets the error. #washingtonpostcorrections
- mistabaka: Mo money does not, as was reported, bring mo problems, we regret the error. #washingtonpostcorrections
- cobrown: Snoop Dogg did not, as we reported, contract the plague. It was his chronic that was bubonic. #washingtonpostcorrections
- jsmooth995: George Clinton has assured us his roof remains intact, and he takes fire safety quite seriously. #washingtonpostcorrections
- sethlipkin There is, in fact, a mountain high enough. The Post regrets the error. #washingtonpostcorrections
- nolamomma Dr. Dre is IN Public Enemy. He is not considered by law enforcement to be A public enemy. #washingtonpostcorrections
And some real corrections (from the best-of) to whet your palate:
Toronto Sun: A headline on page one of the Toronto Sun yesterday was both inaccurate and misleading. In fact, as the story reported, the mother of a boy involved in a high school fight in Keswick said her son “said something stupid.” She did not say nor imply he was stupid. The Sun regrets the error and apologizes to the boy and his family.
Los Angeles Times: Bear sighting: An item in the National Briefing in Sunday’s Section A said a bear wandered into a grocery story in Hayward, Wis., on Friday and headed for the beer cooler. It was Thursday.
odd phrases,
Monday, December 14, 2009
On Dasher, on Dancer...
Better, even, than seeing a mounted policeman?
A mounted policeman whose horse is wearing a Santa cap.
And as an added bonus: a Prius with the license plate "MO MPG."
A mounted policeman whose horse is wearing a Santa cap.
And as an added bonus: a Prius with the license plate "MO MPG."
Saturday, December 12, 2009
Text message from my brother
You should start wearing a wwjd bracelet and whenever you look at it think, what would Jared do? :)
totally bad-ass
Damaged goods
I got this from a local law firm, and had to share the first paragraph:
The Consignee Has a Duty to Accept a Damaged ShipmentI think that says it all.
If girls were like consignees, I would have had a lot more dates in high school. The reason being, a consignee has a duty to accept, and cannot reject, a damaged shipment from the carrier, unless the goods are considered to be worthless. As a skinny kid with acne, I was certainly a damaged shipment, but I would not have considered myself worthless. I mean, I was on the football team and I even had a short stint with a garage band.
Thursday, December 10, 2009
Or, the start of the next Scream movie
I have stalkers. You can tell from two subsequent text messages I got yesterday afternoon.
The first, at 4:15 p.m. -- "I'm by your house!"
The second, at 4:25 p.m. -- "I'm in ur house!"
OK -- the first was from my sister, who was in the neighborhood for what must have been a late lunch. And the second was from a friend who is staying with me this week, and who was kind enough to let me know my keys didn't give her any trouble.
But I was mightily amused by the timing and content.
The first, at 4:15 p.m. -- "I'm by your house!"
The second, at 4:25 p.m. -- "I'm in ur house!"
OK -- the first was from my sister, who was in the neighborhood for what must have been a late lunch. And the second was from a friend who is staying with me this week, and who was kind enough to let me know my keys didn't give her any trouble.
But I was mightily amused by the timing and content.
bad movies,
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Loosen those belts
I like cranberry sauce. And tomorrow's cranberry day.
Enjoy, everyone, and happy Thanksgiving!
Enjoy, everyone, and happy Thanksgiving!
Monday, November 23, 2009
Let them eat... meat!
I'm a vegetarian. So the turkey-shaped cake -- complete with frosting drumsticks -- that a couple friends got me this weekend for my birthday was particularly amusing.
Never mind that it said Happy Thanksgiving or that it tasted nothing like turkey flesh (I'm only assuming here). It looked like the real thing, and it's not often you get to carve, not cut, a cake.
I'll post a picture if I get emailed any.
Never mind that it said Happy Thanksgiving or that it tasted nothing like turkey flesh (I'm only assuming here). It looked like the real thing, and it's not often you get to carve, not cut, a cake.
I'll post a picture if I get emailed any.
Friday, November 20, 2009
'Tis the season
The past couple days, I've come across workers stringing lights on downtown trees and buildings. This is nice, first of all, because it's starting to be dusk-verging-on-dark when I leave work, and the lights add some brightness. Second of all, I thought it was neat that the lights are on when they're strung.
Presumably, this is so they can make sure the whole string is working or see that they're appropriately spaced as they're being hung. But I liked it because it was just neat to see a long string of light move so elegantly.
Presumably, this is so they can make sure the whole string is working or see that they're appropriately spaced as they're being hung. But I liked it because it was just neat to see a long string of light move so elegantly.
Monday, November 16, 2009
While leaving the psychology building this afternoon, I saw a female midget sitting on the front steps leading up to the building. I find midgets highly entertaining, for some peculiar reason: every midget I see makes me smile and clap my hands gleefully. Maybe because I think they'd make a good pet? Or maybe a meal? (Of course, there's always that morbid sense of curiosity about midget porn, but that's an entirely different bucket of worms.....)
Feliz cumpleanos
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Thursday, November 5, 2009
It's the only reason I watched it
On my flight to Puerto Rico this morning (which, in itself, is another very, very pleasantest thing!), the in-flight movie was called "I Hate Valentine's Day." Although the movie itself was pretty lame, there was one scene where the leading lady -- who was obviously on some combination of lithium and ecstasy throughout first 4/5th of the film -- angrily throws something mushy (I couldn't tell what it was) against a wall, screaming, "Valentine's Day BLOWS!!!!" I almost cheered audibly; the change in attitude was a complete 180 from her previous "Love is wonderful, dating is so much fun, Valentine's Day is the best day EVER!!" mentality.
Isn't bitterness fun??? :-D
Isn't bitterness fun??? :-D
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
Shiny objects
I got complimented twice at Starbucks today, by two different baristas. One said he liked my necklace (which is an abalone shell that I got for my bat mitzvah, though I can't for the life of me remember who it's from -- and now that's kind of bothering me; it looks vaguely like an oilie sticker -- who remembers those?), then asked the other barista if he liked my necklace. Barista two was not impressed.
Barista two, though, thought my credit card was pretty sweet. It has a picture of a daisy (or something) on it, and was apparently different enough to stand out.
Does anyone else get compliments on their credit cards? That happens to me more than I think is normal, but maybe people are just super-impressed by unusual card markings.
Barista two, though, thought my credit card was pretty sweet. It has a picture of a daisy (or something) on it, and was apparently different enough to stand out.
Does anyone else get compliments on their credit cards? That happens to me more than I think is normal, but maybe people are just super-impressed by unusual card markings.
Just... wow
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
Three things
I totally love Where the Wild Things Are, which I've seen twice. It's definitely not for everybody, but the emotion of it really made me smile, even when the story was sad.
I had a delicious egg salad sandwich at a downtown restaurant today. The secret ingredient? Truffle oil. Yeah, I think that'll make anything taste good.
Yesterday's mail included a long-expected postcard from a dear friend. I'd been anticipating a letter, but this was above what I thought would come -- a postcard with our faces on it, taken from the summer's golf carting adventure. It was unexpected and sweet.
I had a delicious egg salad sandwich at a downtown restaurant today. The secret ingredient? Truffle oil. Yeah, I think that'll make anything taste good.
Yesterday's mail included a long-expected postcard from a dear friend. I'd been anticipating a letter, but this was above what I thought would come -- a postcard with our faces on it, taken from the summer's golf carting adventure. It was unexpected and sweet.
outdoor recreation,
Sunday, November 1, 2009
On the road again
While running errands today, I drove past a "Lord of Life Pumpkin Patch" and an alpaca farm. There were about 20 outside grazing. I was pretty psyched.
Sunday, October 25, 2009
Why Halloween is super, and other tales
Yesterday was the fun-filled conclusion of Cleveland Beer Week, which included much quality friend time, out-of-city visitors and adorable miniature beer steins with a doctored (to say BEER) FREE stamp logo on them. It was pretty wonderful and delicious.
But that's not why you're here, exactly (although, the fact that there's a homebrewing group called the Society of Northeast Ohio Brewers -- allowing them to get the Web site -- is pretty fantastic and grin-worthy). You're here, instead, so I can tell you that when we were driving in, I saw a man driving past in white face-paint, done up like a mime. But with glasses, which makes it all the more surreal.
And so I can tell you that a friend of mine, who body paints in his free time, painted two friends and myself as a dog, a cat and a mouse one October a few years ago. We bought tails and ears and looked the part, and decided the perfect thing to do was to go out to a bar.
And can you believe that not a single person -- not the waitress, not anyone we walked past -- even mentioned our attire? Lesson learned: dress up oddly in non-October months for maximum effect. The process and the company were still entertaining, though.
But that's not why you're here, exactly (although, the fact that there's a homebrewing group called the Society of Northeast Ohio Brewers -- allowing them to get the Web site -- is pretty fantastic and grin-worthy). You're here, instead, so I can tell you that when we were driving in, I saw a man driving past in white face-paint, done up like a mime. But with glasses, which makes it all the more surreal.
And so I can tell you that a friend of mine, who body paints in his free time, painted two friends and myself as a dog, a cat and a mouse one October a few years ago. We bought tails and ears and looked the part, and decided the perfect thing to do was to go out to a bar.
And can you believe that not a single person -- not the waitress, not anyone we walked past -- even mentioned our attire? Lesson learned: dress up oddly in non-October months for maximum effect. The process and the company were still entertaining, though.
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Animals in the street
But in a good way. Not in a bad way.
This weekend, my friends and I stumbled on the Lakewood pet parade. Dogs in costumes are kind of fantastic. There were a couple people dressed as Cruella de Vil with their dogs -- which were not Dalmatians -- sporting Dalmatian costumes. One of my co-workers had the family dog in a life vest and a Salty Dog hat. There were vikings, a lobster and any other number of adorably clad canines.
The winners, my co-worker said, were a dog duo: a pug that was wearing horns and made to look like a bull (and was apparently very realistic) and another, smaller dog, that was made up like a bull fighter.
Yesterday, there was a mounted policeman (as in, a man on a horse) on the streets downtown. And this morning, there was a truck with four trailers attached, all with the Ringling name on the sides. It was very Dumbo.
This weekend, my friends and I stumbled on the Lakewood pet parade. Dogs in costumes are kind of fantastic. There were a couple people dressed as Cruella de Vil with their dogs -- which were not Dalmatians -- sporting Dalmatian costumes. One of my co-workers had the family dog in a life vest and a Salty Dog hat. There were vikings, a lobster and any other number of adorably clad canines.
The winners, my co-worker said, were a dog duo: a pug that was wearing horns and made to look like a bull (and was apparently very realistic) and another, smaller dog, that was made up like a bull fighter.
Yesterday, there was a mounted policeman (as in, a man on a horse) on the streets downtown. And this morning, there was a truck with four trailers attached, all with the Ringling name on the sides. It was very Dumbo.
Saturday, October 17, 2009
Holy Boss's Day, Batman!
My brother has a job where he is in charge of people. He keeps claiming that these people like him, but I thought that was just something that brothers said to sisters to prove how awesome they are. Until tonight.
Friday, as you may have known, was Boss's Day. It's the best day for sucking up to someone who decides whether you keep your job -- well, the best day other than every other day. And my brother's employees went all out.
The card wasn't enough. Nor was the sign they made describing him as "Da Boss." A cassata cake, delicious as it was (And man, was it delicious. And gigantic. I think it was a full sheet.) just didn't cut it.
On top of all of that (and that's obscene already, from where I stand!), the co-workers went in together to get him a #23 Cavs jersey -- that's LeBron James' number, for those of you who don't follow basketball.
On the back, though? My brother's name.
I was in hysterics at the efforts, but I guess it means they really do like him!
Friday, as you may have known, was Boss's Day. It's the best day for sucking up to someone who decides whether you keep your job -- well, the best day other than every other day. And my brother's employees went all out.
The card wasn't enough. Nor was the sign they made describing him as "Da Boss." A cassata cake, delicious as it was (And man, was it delicious. And gigantic. I think it was a full sheet.) just didn't cut it.
On top of all of that (and that's obscene already, from where I stand!), the co-workers went in together to get him a #23 Cavs jersey -- that's LeBron James' number, for those of you who don't follow basketball.
On the back, though? My brother's name.
I was in hysterics at the efforts, but I guess it means they really do like him!
Friday, October 16, 2009
Let it snow
This is really Danny's tale to tell, but I'm going to take it from him. Because I can. And because he can add his version, too, complete with details.
Text message at 3:03 p.m. Thursday: Omg it's snowing!!
My response, at 3:14 p.m.: :) That's early! A lot? Is it wonderful?
Text message at 3:15 p.m.: Haha! Just flurries, sort of sprinkling rain with it. But yes, I think it's neat, altho no one else seems to
Text message at 5:03 p.m.: I take it back, it's really coming down now!! Haha this is awesome!
He promised pictures.
Other people? Less excited.
Text message at 3:03 p.m. Thursday: Omg it's snowing!!
My response, at 3:14 p.m.: :) That's early! A lot? Is it wonderful?
Text message at 3:15 p.m.: Haha! Just flurries, sort of sprinkling rain with it. But yes, I think it's neat, altho no one else seems to
Text message at 5:03 p.m.: I take it back, it's really coming down now!! Haha this is awesome!
He promised pictures.
Other people? Less excited.
Thursday, October 15, 2009
I AM the news
OK, I'm not really. But I could have been!
The NBC affiliate called me this afternoon, wanting to interview me for a story that related to an article I wrote last week.
I said no -- I was swamped today, and that's not really my thing anyway -- but it's certainly flattering to be asked.
The NBC affiliate called me this afternoon, wanting to interview me for a story that related to an article I wrote last week.
I said no -- I was swamped today, and that's not really my thing anyway -- but it's certainly flattering to be asked.
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Balloon magic
There was an article in the Wall Street Journal last week about -- of all things -- the increasing artistry of balloon twisting. As in, the clowns (usually) who make hats or dogs or swords (and I thought a rocking horse was the epitome of cool).
Now, they're way beyond that. And way into installment art. And amazingness.
Check out the slide show. For real.
Now, they're way beyond that. And way into installment art. And amazingness.
Check out the slide show. For real.
More bikes!
Two instances of no-handed amazingness, all in one day. I was more impressed by the guy who was riding a bike no-handed while carrying a box -- a decently sized box, too, and he even managed to turn left (though there may have been a hand touchdown) -- than I was the guy who was talking on his cell phone with one hand and smoking with the other. But when he nearly dropped, then juggled, then caught his cigarette, it made it all OK.
As a bikeless bonus, there was also a maroon limo. Has anyone ever seen a maroon limo? I thought not.
As a bikeless bonus, there was also a maroon limo. Has anyone ever seen a maroon limo? I thought not.
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
Can I toucha-toucha-toucha touch them?
On the shuttle to work (school) this morning, the lady across from me was wearing fishnet stockings. The only other times I've seen them in use has been at the Rocky Horror Picture Show. She looked pretty bad-ass in them too; I wanted to say something, but withheld due to the likely creepiness factor.
You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means.
OK, it's not exact. But it's what I thought of when I saw a license plate that said LORD ICY.
They probably meant: Lord, I see why.
I read it as a shout-out to the White Witch in the Chronicles of Narnia.
They probably meant: Lord, I see why.
I read it as a shout-out to the White Witch in the Chronicles of Narnia.
odd phrases
Thursday, October 1, 2009
It's alarming how charming I feel
One of my (male) coworkers said to my (male) boss this morning, "Wow, you look nice today!"
My boss replied by saying -- then singing -- "I feel pretty." (It doesn't start til the 50-second mark.)
I tried not to guffaw.
My boss replied by saying -- then singing -- "I feel pretty." (It doesn't start til the 50-second mark.)
I tried not to guffaw.
Friday, September 25, 2009
I got two unexpected pieces of mail -- and one of them, adorably enough, was an invitation to a first birthday party. How cute.
To reciprocate, I sent three pieces today of what will likely be unexpected mail when they arrive. OK, two of them are unexpected -- I didn't have the last address I needed.
Even so, the content is a surprise!
To reciprocate, I sent three pieces today of what will likely be unexpected mail when they arrive. OK, two of them are unexpected -- I didn't have the last address I needed.
Even so, the content is a surprise!
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
It's not Eureka, but still
Today during our lab meeting, my professor said, "By Jove." It was cute because it's so, so, so stereotypically professor-ish.
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Water, water everywhere

I came across this picture (tweeted by a friend who's now living in Philadelphia) and was amazed by how beautiful it was. This, actually, is my favorite spot in Atlanta -- it's a bridge that's always covered in the most beautiful graffiti. In addition to just being a gorgeous scene, I'm jealous that these guys were able to take such a leisurely trip through it.
Sunday, September 20, 2009
Yiddish curses
Rosh Hashanah, the Jewish new year, was this weekend, and part of the rabbi's sermon today had most of the congregation doubled over in their seats laughing.
He began by lamenting the cursing of recent times -- not the fact that there is cursing, mind you, but the fact that we aren't more creative about it. Yiddish curses, he said, start off sounding like a blessing -- but then there's a twist. My favorite, which I've used more than once, is this: May you grow like an onion, with your head in the ground and your feet in the air.
Others include: May you lose all your teeth but one, and may you get a toothache in the one you have left; May you have a sweet death, may you be run over by a sugar truck; May you be like a chandelier, hanging all day and burning all night. You get the picture.
So now I'm contemplating good curses. (Some others are here -- enjoy!)
He began by lamenting the cursing of recent times -- not the fact that there is cursing, mind you, but the fact that we aren't more creative about it. Yiddish curses, he said, start off sounding like a blessing -- but then there's a twist. My favorite, which I've used more than once, is this: May you grow like an onion, with your head in the ground and your feet in the air.
Others include: May you lose all your teeth but one, and may you get a toothache in the one you have left; May you have a sweet death, may you be run over by a sugar truck; May you be like a chandelier, hanging all day and burning all night. You get the picture.
So now I'm contemplating good curses. (Some others are here -- enjoy!)
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
One of my friends is having a baby, and doesn't yet have names picked out. This means I get to pore through baby name books and make suggestions.
Of course, I'll be pleased if my suggestions stick. In the meantime, though, I'm happy enough to learn that the female form of Xerxes is Sherry -- and that it means "pertaining to Caeser."
Names rock my world.
Of course, I'll be pleased if my suggestions stick. In the meantime, though, I'm happy enough to learn that the female form of Xerxes is Sherry -- and that it means "pertaining to Caeser."
Names rock my world.
Monday, September 14, 2009
On paper
One thing spotty Internet access will lead you to is the written word. Like, on paper.
As such, I've been spending a lot of time with cookbooks, instead of looking up recipes online. And coming across things that look delicious, but that I wouldn't have thought to make, had I not flipped past them. Like tonight's frittata. Yum. Mushroom leek risotto is next on the list.
And this weekend brought a trip to the library, which meant three unread (adult) Roald Dahl books. Maybe no computer (I'm on a borrowed one right now) isn't all bad.
As such, I've been spending a lot of time with cookbooks, instead of looking up recipes online. And coming across things that look delicious, but that I wouldn't have thought to make, had I not flipped past them. Like tonight's frittata. Yum. Mushroom leek risotto is next on the list.
And this weekend brought a trip to the library, which meant three unread (adult) Roald Dahl books. Maybe no computer (I'm on a borrowed one right now) isn't all bad.
Saturday, September 12, 2009
What's up, Doc?
Last week, I went to Blossom to see a performance of Looney Tunes and Merrie Melodies music, complete with cartoons. This was super-adorable and fun.
But the thing thing that made me really grin? At the end of the show, instead of tossing flowers on the stage, someone brought a bunch of carrots to the conductor.
Bugs Bunny, indeed.
On a completely unrelated note, I have a dead computer. So I will once again be sporadic, at least until a new one is acquired. Anyone have suggestions for awesome new or horribly awful computers?
But the thing thing that made me really grin? At the end of the show, instead of tossing flowers on the stage, someone brought a bunch of carrots to the conductor.
Bugs Bunny, indeed.
On a completely unrelated note, I have a dead computer. So I will once again be sporadic, at least until a new one is acquired. Anyone have suggestions for awesome new or horribly awful computers?
outdoor recreation,
Thursday, September 3, 2009
America's Roller Coast

Maybe try one of the other ones, I guess. (In other words: A day well-spent.)
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
I hope a rhyming dictionary was involved
Because otherwise, why would the Black Eyed Peas rhyme "mazel tov" with "take it off" in the song "I Gotta Feeling"?
They did add a "l'chaim" in for good measure, though.
They did add a "l'chaim" in for good measure, though.
The future is the past
I saw a woman hula-hooping on the sidewalk today. She was really good -- it was going up and down her torso to her neck, over a shoulder, on an arm. I was impressed. Much better than me -- either IRL or on a Wii.

And then, a limo that had doors that opened up, like a DeLorean. I wanted to stop and stare, but the light was green.

And then, a limo that had doors that opened up, like a DeLorean. I wanted to stop and stare, but the light was green.
Thursday, August 27, 2009
Hey, mister... can I have a ride?
One of my co-workers interviewed a German steel magnate at his Gates Mills home (for example) today. He came back talking about how impressive it was -- the driveway til forever, the giant house, all the trees. The carved wooden table. The fact that everything in the house looked like it was an antique. The organ that the house had been built around, that played through the vents.
And this magnate, after the interview, invited my co-worker to lunch with him at the country club. But my co-worker declined, deciding he had to get back to the office instead.
Just one problem.
The magnate had just flown in from Germany. His wife had the corvette. Could he get a ride to the country club anyway?
I don't remember what kind of car my co-worker said he had, but it was a 1990 something with CDs all over the seat. And that's how the magnate got to the country club.
But no one knows how he got home...
And this magnate, after the interview, invited my co-worker to lunch with him at the country club. But my co-worker declined, deciding he had to get back to the office instead.
Just one problem.
The magnate had just flown in from Germany. His wife had the corvette. Could he get a ride to the country club anyway?
I don't remember what kind of car my co-worker said he had, but it was a 1990 something with CDs all over the seat. And that's how the magnate got to the country club.
But no one knows how he got home...
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Don't forget your sheath
From the Web site of the Ohio Renaissance Festival: (It's in caps lock, so you know it's important!)
Monday, August 24, 2009
Mr. Golden Sun
Drove past a car on the way home that had a giant sun, branches and a ladybug painted on the side. It was lovely and creative and fun. And way better than the original wood paneling, too!
Board game mania
I played a lot of board games this weekend, which I love.
But I need to give a special bit of glee to games of Scrabble that net words like xenon (mine) and quinoa (not).
Also, the "xenon" game had only two words that were more than one syllable (ova was the other). I thought that was pretty amusing. Especially since the words were still good ones -- like jeered and thrall.
But I need to give a special bit of glee to games of Scrabble that net words like xenon (mine) and quinoa (not).
Also, the "xenon" game had only two words that were more than one syllable (ova was the other). I thought that was pretty amusing. Especially since the words were still good ones -- like jeered and thrall.
Sunday, August 23, 2009
And it feels just as hot, too.
As I was driving to Peoples State Forest this evening (which is a story that most definitely does NOT make me smile...... at all), I passed the most awesomest thing ever: Satan's Kingdom Road. And then, as if things couldn't get better, I passed Satan's Kingdom Recreation Area!! And you can go tubing there as well!
I squealed gleefully in my car. Multiple times. I think Connecticut just clawed its way into the top 5 of the "Best States Ever" list.
I squealed gleefully in my car. Multiple times. I think Connecticut just clawed its way into the top 5 of the "Best States Ever" list.
Thursday, August 20, 2009
Busting makes me feel good
As if Ghost Busters on the big screen wasn't enough... the half-dozen guys (and a girl) who sat in front of us totally came in costume.
And one even had a light-up pack!
And one even had a light-up pack!
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Banana banana
I make a mean banana bread. But today, I made these with my overripe bananas instead.
The frosting has yet to be done, but the cake part is delish.
The frosting has yet to be done, but the cake part is delish.
Sunday, August 16, 2009
I went to the fair today (technically, yesterday) and had a fantastic time walking the Midway, riding a Ferris wheel and getting my fair-food fix -- lemonade, french fries, fried cheese, fried pickles and, of course, an elephant ear.
But it was the animals at the fair that particularly made me smile. To be precise, it was the piglets.
Let me back up and tell you that we saw the horses and cows, sheep and rabbits, guinea pigs and chicken. We pet quite a few goats (and one of them nibbled at my purse). We oohed and ahhed at llamas and alpacas (which looked exactly like walking stuffed animals) and giggled at turkeys and ducks.
But in the back of one of the barns were two sows, each with a number of piglets -- maybe 10 for one and six for another. They were pink and soft and tiny with big eyes. Both sows were sleeping; one was surrounded by sleeping piglets (and the poor piglet that found itself under her neck when she went to roll over! -- my, what a squeal) while the other had piglets clambering all over her in search of food.
Nursing piglets are way too cute.
The nursing piglets had a definite runt of the litter, a pig that was half the size of the others. It made me think of Wilbur, which wasn't much of a leap since county fairs already conjure up Charlotte's Web images.
A fair is a veritable smorgasbord, orgasbord, orgasbord...
But it was the animals at the fair that particularly made me smile. To be precise, it was the piglets.
Let me back up and tell you that we saw the horses and cows, sheep and rabbits, guinea pigs and chicken. We pet quite a few goats (and one of them nibbled at my purse). We oohed and ahhed at llamas and alpacas (which looked exactly like walking stuffed animals) and giggled at turkeys and ducks.
But in the back of one of the barns were two sows, each with a number of piglets -- maybe 10 for one and six for another. They were pink and soft and tiny with big eyes. Both sows were sleeping; one was surrounded by sleeping piglets (and the poor piglet that found itself under her neck when she went to roll over! -- my, what a squeal) while the other had piglets clambering all over her in search of food.
Nursing piglets are way too cute.
The nursing piglets had a definite runt of the litter, a pig that was half the size of the others. It made me think of Wilbur, which wasn't much of a leap since county fairs already conjure up Charlotte's Web images.
A fair is a veritable smorgasbord, orgasbord, orgasbord...
Friday, August 14, 2009
Thursday, August 13, 2009
This is why I love love love the Big Band station.
It played a version of this song, which I was merrily humming along to, when all of a sudden the (redundant) lyrics changed... to "we're getting sick of this song" and "it's repetitious and long." All in a very cheery, Big Band-y sort of way. I chuckled. And tried to find the same version at home, but couldn't.
It played a version of this song, which I was merrily humming along to, when all of a sudden the (redundant) lyrics changed... to "we're getting sick of this song" and "it's repetitious and long." All in a very cheery, Big Band-y sort of way. I chuckled. And tried to find the same version at home, but couldn't.
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
How 'bout that?
I drove home super-psyched after bowling with a friend tonight because not only did I break 100 in all three games -- 112, 116, 102 -- but I bowled a turkey, a definite first. But then, 116 is also my high score.
So there I was, thrilled with my bowling victories, about to pull into the driveway, when I was blinded by a bright light right on the curb. We're talking bright lights. Like, the kind they use to make it look like daylight during road construction. And there was another one on the neighbor's lawn, and what looked like a giant projection screen, too.
I decided to go explore.
It turns out that my neighbor works for an ad agency and that the lights (and plastic forks stuck in the lawn) were part of a campaign they're filming for Hot Pockets. It has something to do with senior citizens who are mad that people are eating without utensils and stick forks in the lawn (Oh, the beauty of Google) to protest. If you see it (I think they said it's for the Web, not TV), you should watch. And send me a link, so I can see how it came out.
I talked to one of the senior citizen (his words) actors, who's a civil engineer by day and has done seven commercials and roles as extras, this year, by night. It's a little random for a Wednesday night, but certainly cool.
Although I'm still proud of my turkey.
So there I was, thrilled with my bowling victories, about to pull into the driveway, when I was blinded by a bright light right on the curb. We're talking bright lights. Like, the kind they use to make it look like daylight during road construction. And there was another one on the neighbor's lawn, and what looked like a giant projection screen, too.
I decided to go explore.
It turns out that my neighbor works for an ad agency and that the lights (and plastic forks stuck in the lawn) were part of a campaign they're filming for Hot Pockets. It has something to do with senior citizens who are mad that people are eating without utensils and stick forks in the lawn (Oh, the beauty of Google) to protest. If you see it (I think they said it's for the Web, not TV), you should watch. And send me a link, so I can see how it came out.
I talked to one of the senior citizen (his words) actors, who's a civil engineer by day and has done seven commercials and roles as extras, this year, by night. It's a little random for a Wednesday night, but certainly cool.
Although I'm still proud of my turkey.
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
I think I can

While having lunch at the river today, I saw a tugboat pushing a barge (we'll pretend that I know the different names of water-faring vessels and that I got that one right -- which, if Wikipedia is to be believed, is a possibility). The barge (for lack of better knowledge) was rust-colored, low and long, while the tugboat was bright red and looked just like a bathtub toy.
It was groovy. And it was totally this boat. Which, for the record, is also the one shown above.
Come fly the friendly skies
In case any of you want to come visit (hint, hint), the Akron-Canton airport and AirTran are offering $25 off your next ticket to or from our lovely metropolis. And there's even an AirTran sale for the next few weeks! Get it while the getting's good.
You just have to travel by the end of January.
You just have to travel by the end of January.
Sunday, August 9, 2009
Aaaaand we're back
Getting let out of work early on Friday afternoons.
Strange farmers' market finds -- such as the husk cherry, a fruit a friend said tastes like buttered toast. I'm still not sure that I see it.
Tea at the Ritz, followed by a (touring) Broadway show.
Interesting books. Beach. Cooking. Conversation. Company.
Meaningful moments with friends. Random moments with friends. Being butted off of Twister boards by friends.
Knowing that friends care enough to show up, even with little notice.
Good news. Good food.
Tourists trying to tip a trolley driver because he chatted with them about Asheville (where they're from) and gave them some suggestions about what to do and where to go.
Air conditioning. I contemplated driving around this afternoon, just so I could have it. In the end, the book I was reading won out.
Strange farmers' market finds -- such as the husk cherry, a fruit a friend said tastes like buttered toast. I'm still not sure that I see it.
Tea at the Ritz, followed by a (touring) Broadway show.
Interesting books. Beach. Cooking. Conversation. Company.
Meaningful moments with friends. Random moments with friends. Being butted off of Twister boards by friends.
Knowing that friends care enough to show up, even with little notice.
Good news. Good food.
Tourists trying to tip a trolley driver because he chatted with them about Asheville (where they're from) and gave them some suggestions about what to do and where to go.
Air conditioning. I contemplated driving around this afternoon, just so I could have it. In the end, the book I was reading won out.
Thursday, July 23, 2009
Church bells
I managed to time the drive home to be outside a church at 6, when the bells began to toll. It's a lovely sound. Wind blowing through windows, music in the air. I like it.
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
I had a late meeting today and ended up walking back to my car from a direction I don't usually come from. As I headed past a gated parking lot, I noticed that the fence posts were topped with pineapples.
Psych always has pineapples, too.
Often, it's the little things.
Psych always has pineapples, too.
Often, it's the little things.
Sunday, July 19, 2009
From scratch
I came home one day last week to a new oven, which is enough to put a smile on anyone's face in and of itself. I had company, and we inaugurated it with brownies-from-a-box. Which were good. But for some reason, I was feeling slightly more ambitious today.
I'm going out of town (again) and have been trying to eliminate some of the perishable things from the fridge before they, you know, perish. So I had one egg left in a dozen. Since I've also avoided going to the store to add more things to the list of items I must consume, I ran out of junk food to pack in my lunch. Baking chocolate chip cookies, then, was the perfect solution to both of those problems.
This certainly isn't the first time I've made cookies from scratch, but it has been a while. And they turned out well, if I may say so. If you see me in the next week, ask for one -- they're chocolate chip-pecan, and most delectable.
I'm going out of town (again) and have been trying to eliminate some of the perishable things from the fridge before they, you know, perish. So I had one egg left in a dozen. Since I've also avoided going to the store to add more things to the list of items I must consume, I ran out of junk food to pack in my lunch. Baking chocolate chip cookies, then, was the perfect solution to both of those problems.
This certainly isn't the first time I've made cookies from scratch, but it has been a while. And they turned out well, if I may say so. If you see me in the next week, ask for one -- they're chocolate chip-pecan, and most delectable.
Friday, July 17, 2009
Better than a mullet
I was distracted from the Indians game I went to tonight (we lost) by the man who sat down in front of me late in the game.
He was in his late 50s or 60s with glasses and a grey mustache -- unremarkable. But his hair... oh, his hair. It was solid grey, bordering on white. It was buzzed to the crown of his head and on the sides. But from the top of his head to the nape of his neck, there were long, flowing grey locks. It was scraggly and ended midway down his back. And it was the most bizarre haircut I have ever seen.
I was at the game with my grandfather, and had to point it out. He was also confounded.
He was in his late 50s or 60s with glasses and a grey mustache -- unremarkable. But his hair... oh, his hair. It was solid grey, bordering on white. It was buzzed to the crown of his head and on the sides. But from the top of his head to the nape of his neck, there were long, flowing grey locks. It was scraggly and ended midway down his back. And it was the most bizarre haircut I have ever seen.
I was at the game with my grandfather, and had to point it out. He was also confounded.
Thursday, July 16, 2009
Funny story
My parents are vacationing in the Seattle area (at least that's where they started out) and called to ask for help finding a hotel in.... Forks, Washington.
Sadly, the significance of the location was not lost on me. Although I don't think they'll be making use of any of the themed tours. God, I hope not.
Sadly, the significance of the location was not lost on me. Although I don't think they'll be making use of any of the themed tours. God, I hope not.
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
Movies under the stars
Atlanta has this event, Screen on the Green, that I looked forward to every summer. It's just as it sounds -- a giant movie screen on Piedmont Park, a picnic dinner with your friends and thousands of people screaming, "Don't open that door!"
Tonight, I went to a Cleveland event called Wade Oval Wednesdays (both of these happen multiple times throughout the summer) -- and despite the amount of fun I always had at Screen on the Green, I think WOW has Atlanta beat.
From 6 to 9 p.m., there was an Irish band. There were falafel, pizza, popcorn, gyros, fresh-sliced watermelon and odd-flavored (but tasty) ice-cream sandwiches to eat. They sold beer and other beverages, alcoholic and non- (and my blueberry beer had a handful of blueberries tossed into the glass!). There were local vendors selling jewelry and t-shirts. The sky was a gorgeous shade of purple. The air was warm.
Then, right as it was getting dark, The Goonies. Everybody laughed in all the right spots, booed in all the right spots. But it wasn't as crowded (we're losing population, after all!) and the city provided chairs. Less to lug and better traffic when you left.
I didn't like The Goonies the first time I saw it (before you start throwing things at me, appalled, remember that this was just two or three years ago -- I didn't grow up with it as a child), but it was lovely under the stars.
Tonight, I went to a Cleveland event called Wade Oval Wednesdays (both of these happen multiple times throughout the summer) -- and despite the amount of fun I always had at Screen on the Green, I think WOW has Atlanta beat.
From 6 to 9 p.m., there was an Irish band. There were falafel, pizza, popcorn, gyros, fresh-sliced watermelon and odd-flavored (but tasty) ice-cream sandwiches to eat. They sold beer and other beverages, alcoholic and non- (and my blueberry beer had a handful of blueberries tossed into the glass!). There were local vendors selling jewelry and t-shirts. The sky was a gorgeous shade of purple. The air was warm.
Then, right as it was getting dark, The Goonies. Everybody laughed in all the right spots, booed in all the right spots. But it wasn't as crowded (we're losing population, after all!) and the city provided chairs. Less to lug and better traffic when you left.
I didn't like The Goonies the first time I saw it (before you start throwing things at me, appalled, remember that this was just two or three years ago -- I didn't grow up with it as a child), but it was lovely under the stars.
Monday, July 13, 2009
Free money
Technically, I earned it. But the check was still unexpected.
Every once in a while, money falls from the sky. It's nice when that happens.
Every once in a while, money falls from the sky. It's nice when that happens.
Friday, July 10, 2009
If only they weren't gelatinous
My brother, walking into the room with a bag of them: "Marshmallows always make me feel happy when I'm feeling bad."
Job well done
I'm pretty psyched because now I can say I'm an award-winning journalist. I won several awards -- jointly, individually and as part of my paper's staff -- for coverage of a big story on my beat last year. And since I took over in the middle and was still learning the ropes, it's all very cool. Not that it wouldn't be cool if I'd been doing it a while.
But I was also excited because the awards -- and the subsequent story the paper wrote about them -- garnered me a few e-mails and one note of congratulations. The notice is nice, of course, but what was even cooler was the sentiment expressed. The CEO of a company I write about sent me a letter that said, "It's nice to know (my company) is being covered by someone with your talent." Pretty rocking.
Also, I'm really pleased with some digging I did on a story this week. It's been a little while since I got to break news.
But I was also excited because the awards -- and the subsequent story the paper wrote about them -- garnered me a few e-mails and one note of congratulations. The notice is nice, of course, but what was even cooler was the sentiment expressed. The CEO of a company I write about sent me a letter that said, "It's nice to know (my company) is being covered by someone with your talent." Pretty rocking.
Also, I'm really pleased with some digging I did on a story this week. It's been a little while since I got to break news.
Friday, June 26, 2009
Shout outs
To awesome friends. One helped me break into my house last night (my climbing through a window in a skirt is a very elegant sight, let me tell you) and another is giving me his keys so I have a place to stay on this trip, even though he's out of town.
That's some pretty good friend-moves for 24 hours. Thanks, dudes, (and all the rest of you, too) for rocking my world!
That's some pretty good friend-moves for 24 hours. Thanks, dudes, (and all the rest of you, too) for rocking my world!
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Away, away
Just a quick note to say that computer annoyances and travels will be making me scarce. Hope to add grins when I have the chance, but I can tell you in the meantime that despite what anyone may tell you, any town that has a dedicated golf cart parking lot at a place of employment, an ice cream truck on the real streets and a lemonade stand set up on the golf cart trails is officially adorable. Even if it does make some residents feel like they're in a scene out of A Wrinkle in Time (pretend I put links in appropriate places).
It was good to see those of you I saw on the last trip and I'm looking forward to the ones to come!
It was good to see those of you I saw on the last trip and I'm looking forward to the ones to come!
Saturday, June 20, 2009
The oh so most joyful!
Seeing Rel, even if for less than 24 hours.
Oh, and flavour tripping.... with Rel, none the less!
AAAND golf-carting with Rel!
Oh, and flavour tripping.... with Rel, none the less!
AAAND golf-carting with Rel!
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
I picked strawberries this weekend, and woke up early Saturday to go to the farmers' market. Only the brie I ate for dinner (and the olive oil I cooked some veggies in) came from the grocery store. And that was a pretty exciting thing.
Relatedly, I also had my first cooking foray into exotic mushrooms. I've eaten some before, but never by my own hand. And my goodness, were they delicious (brown oyster mushrooms on toast, sauteed with olive oil and garlic scapes). Plus, the mushroom man at the market said they were a good "starter" 'shroom. So y'all should feel free to experiment with brown oyster mushrooms. The dude says it's cool, and I say it's delectable.
Relatedly, I also had my first cooking foray into exotic mushrooms. I've eaten some before, but never by my own hand. And my goodness, were they delicious (brown oyster mushrooms on toast, sauteed with olive oil and garlic scapes). Plus, the mushroom man at the market said they were a good "starter" 'shroom. So y'all should feel free to experiment with brown oyster mushrooms. The dude says it's cool, and I say it's delectable.
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
Text messages
This falls under the saved-for-posting category.
My friends, awesome as they are, sometimes send me pretty wonderful text messages detailing their own amusements (or, I'm just amused by their insanity). I'll recount a few of them for you below. (And you may well recognize yourself here. That's right -- I saved it. Though now that I'm saving them here, I can probably free up some much-needed cell phone memory and delete.)
Oh, and I left the punctuation/capitalization/etc. alone:
My friends, awesome as they are, sometimes send me pretty wonderful text messages detailing their own amusements (or, I'm just amused by their insanity). I'll recount a few of them for you below. (And you may well recognize yourself here. That's right -- I saved it. Though now that I'm saving them here, I can probably free up some much-needed cell phone memory and delete.)
Oh, and I left the punctuation/capitalization/etc. alone:
There is a ton of dirt on the Dooley statue and a sign that says "Wash me! --Wash U"Keep 'em coming!
Coolest Halloween costume ever: Sylvia Plath. Wear a bathrobe and carry an Easy Bake Oven
Can you steal an amish child and keep it as a pet? Or is that only permissible with midgets?
OMG the m&ms I'm eating are so good I needed to tell someone!
I just saw an ice cream truck! I think it was playing, sewanee river. I don't know how to spell that. The truck itself was unadorned which was sad
I just saw a shirt that said 'i was raised on the street' and it had a picture of the sesame street characters.
There was a possum just sitting on the sidewalk as i just walked past your house. It sat there and swiveled its head and looked at me. Crazy!
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
More wheeled fun
We're back to two-wheeled bicycles for the moment because I saw a couple with baskets, and they were snazzy. One was like a grocer's basket at the front of the bike -- oversized, black mesh, nothing fancy. The other was a white wicker one with flowers that looked like it had been pulled off a kid's bike and made to fit an adult's. Both were way cool.
Then there was a police Segway (or some reasonable variation of a Segway) and that was purely amusing.
Then there was a police Segway (or some reasonable variation of a Segway) and that was purely amusing.
Monday, June 8, 2009
Walking out of work this afternoon, I was passed by someone on a bike, which is not an odd occurrence. Until I realized that the bike had only one wheel.
And to make matters even better than just the fact that there was a dude unicycling down the street (I say dude, though I'm not sure if it was a guy or a girl -- I only saw from behind, and the hair didn't help), there's this: said dude had a plastic grocery bag in his/her right hand. And that bag contained a frozen pizza.
He/she totally unicycled to the corner store to get dinner. Which rocks.
And to make matters even better than just the fact that there was a dude unicycling down the street (I say dude, though I'm not sure if it was a guy or a girl -- I only saw from behind, and the hair didn't help), there's this: said dude had a plastic grocery bag in his/her right hand. And that bag contained a frozen pizza.
He/she totally unicycled to the corner store to get dinner. Which rocks.
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
Reach for the stars!
As I was driving home this afternoon, the guy in the car next to me had his moon roof open. And his right arm was sticking out the top, like if he had been resting his left arm on the windowsill (is that the proper phrasing for the car window's edge?), but in the sky.
It looked pretty funny, the disembodied hand in the air. And I started laughing because I drive like that, too. And I'd never seen anyone else do it before. A little disconcerting, as a bystander.
Also, I won concert tickets from the radio for recognizing the theme to Mad Men, which is a super-awesome show. This is the second time that's happened in a year! Hooray free concert tickets.
Lastly, I've been at my job a year now. It doesn't feel like that long at all. And that's pretty cool. So happy work-iversary to me.
It looked pretty funny, the disembodied hand in the air. And I started laughing because I drive like that, too. And I'd never seen anyone else do it before. A little disconcerting, as a bystander.
Also, I won concert tickets from the radio for recognizing the theme to Mad Men, which is a super-awesome show. This is the second time that's happened in a year! Hooray free concert tickets.
Lastly, I've been at my job a year now. It doesn't feel like that long at all. And that's pretty cool. So happy work-iversary to me.
Friday, May 29, 2009
My sister got a new messengers bag for her birthday, and its kind of amazing!

(note the seatbelt buckle!!)
Yay city
Between the Cleveland speller and the Cavs' victory (just two more!) I think my city will be a very happy place tomorrow.
OK, I'm perhaps the only one who cares about the speller. But let's not parse the reasons for the celebration!
OK, I'm perhaps the only one who cares about the speller. But let's not parse the reasons for the celebration!
Thursday, May 28, 2009
The most wonderful time of the year
Those of you in Cleveland are likely sick of it before it starts, but... today is spelling bee day! And spelling bee day is a time for celebration (but not of the Rex Manning variety).
So, if you're looking for something to do tonight, I highly encourage the watching of said bee. It's monumentally entertaining, as last year's winner demonstrates.
And you can read more on Wednesday's preliminary developments here and see what's happening Thursday here, if I did this right. Yay spelling bees!
Edit: Cleveland speller in the finals! Cleveland speller in the finals!
So, if you're looking for something to do tonight, I highly encourage the watching of said bee. It's monumentally entertaining, as last year's winner demonstrates.
And you can read more on Wednesday's preliminary developments here and see what's happening Thursday here, if I did this right. Yay spelling bees!
Edit: Cleveland speller in the finals! Cleveland speller in the finals!
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Find me a find
Someone I interviewed last week called and asked if she could give my name to a yenta.
I laughed and said sure. After all, it can't hurt anything.
I laughed and said sure. After all, it can't hurt anything.
It takes how long?
I had an interview in Seven Hills today, and with my sense of direction -- which is very, very bad -- I figured it couldn't hurt to map where I was going before plugging the address into the GPS in the car.
So imagine my surprise when Google maps told me it would take more than 55 days to get there.
This is because the Seven Hills I wanted was not the one Google maps found.
The best part of the directions? When I was told to kayak across the Pacific Ocean. Three times. I'm curious as to how they determine how long it will take me to do that without knowing my arm strength. Or my ability to kayak a straight line.
The string of directions in Japanese was a close second in the amusement factor.
Then, I started looking for directions to other foreign lands. But Google cannot get me to Tegucigalpa, London, Paris or Madrid. Only Australian suburbs, apparently.
And sad news -- there's no public transportation option available for any of these trips.
So imagine my surprise when Google maps told me it would take more than 55 days to get there.
This is because the Seven Hills I wanted was not the one Google maps found.
The best part of the directions? When I was told to kayak across the Pacific Ocean. Three times. I'm curious as to how they determine how long it will take me to do that without knowing my arm strength. Or my ability to kayak a straight line.
The string of directions in Japanese was a close second in the amusement factor.
Then, I started looking for directions to other foreign lands. But Google cannot get me to Tegucigalpa, London, Paris or Madrid. Only Australian suburbs, apparently.
And sad news -- there's no public transportation option available for any of these trips.
Thursday, May 21, 2009
No more pencils, no more books
I call a local school for a story I'm working on. The woman who I talk to says, "Are you an intern there, is that your senior project?"
I say no. I just sound young.
She says, "Well, one day you'll appreciate it."
I already think it's funny. This is at least the third time I've been mistaken for 18 or under at work. At least this time, it was just on the phone.
(The other two were at a high school journalism banquet the paper I worked for was hosting, when I was actually surrounded by teens. No, I wasn't an intern then, either. I guess they're just that much more stylish than I am.)
I say no. I just sound young.
She says, "Well, one day you'll appreciate it."
I already think it's funny. This is at least the third time I've been mistaken for 18 or under at work. At least this time, it was just on the phone.
(The other two were at a high school journalism banquet the paper I worked for was hosting, when I was actually surrounded by teens. No, I wasn't an intern then, either. I guess they're just that much more stylish than I am.)
Monday, May 18, 2009
A different lazy Sunday
Between the truck (I've since seen at least two more) and the Bruster's rewards I get in my e-mail, ice cream's been on my mind (realistically, though, it's always back there somewhere). So I need to implore you, should you ever find yourself in Columbus, to check out Jeni's. It's interesting and creative and just downright tasty.
So: a waffle cone with lime cardamom, pistachio honey and dark chocolate ice creams. In a park. With awesome people. And a crazy, crazy wet dog.
Fantastic Sunday afternoon, if I do say so.
So: a waffle cone with lime cardamom, pistachio honey and dark chocolate ice creams. In a park. With awesome people. And a crazy, crazy wet dog.
Fantastic Sunday afternoon, if I do say so.
Sunday, May 17, 2009
Friday, May 15, 2009
To make up for my failure to adequately aid your work-week procrastination, I give you three things this Friday afternoon:
Kilts. Four men wearing them, walking down the street (and might I add that at least one was young, and pretty attractive?). True, they were part of some Chicago police band (that's what the drum carried by one of them said -- I'm only assuming that it's this band). But that in no way lessens the fact that the members of said band (who were not marching at the time, mind you, but merely crossing at a crosswalk) were kilt-clad.
Pink scooter. This middle-aged woman was riding down the street (in the Warehouse District, mind you, which we'll get to next) on a Mary Kay-colored scooter. One of the sit-down kinds.
Cornhole. I don't know how I managed to not hear of this game during my first iteration as a Midwesterner, but it's apparently all the rage. And there was a dude standing outside a bar in the aforementioned Warehouse District (there are a lot of those around there), cell phone to his ear, just tossing beanbags into holes. It was all very zen.
Kilts. Four men wearing them, walking down the street (and might I add that at least one was young, and pretty attractive?). True, they were part of some Chicago police band (that's what the drum carried by one of them said -- I'm only assuming that it's this band). But that in no way lessens the fact that the members of said band (who were not marching at the time, mind you, but merely crossing at a crosswalk) were kilt-clad.
Pink scooter. This middle-aged woman was riding down the street (in the Warehouse District, mind you, which we'll get to next) on a Mary Kay-colored scooter. One of the sit-down kinds.
Cornhole. I don't know how I managed to not hear of this game during my first iteration as a Midwesterner, but it's apparently all the rage. And there was a dude standing outside a bar in the aforementioned Warehouse District (there are a lot of those around there), cell phone to his ear, just tossing beanbags into holes. It was all very zen.
I am so spoiled.
So, I recently quit my job. (Tuesday.) I am ecstatic about this (no, no sarcasm. I feel GREAT!)
Not only do I have the support of my friends and family, but I am being rewarded, as Andy is in the process of buying a hot tub! For our back yard!
Bring on the crazy naked nights, y'all!
Not only do I have the support of my friends and family, but I am being rewarded, as Andy is in the process of buying a hot tub! For our back yard!
Bring on the crazy naked nights, y'all!
Thursday, May 14, 2009
Pushing Daisies is gone
But its influence lives on! (Thanks, Resa).
And the last few episodes will exist again. As long as Kristin Chenoweth is somewhere, I am happy.
Whenever I call or text Bek, Kristin Chenoweth says "Bosom, bosom, bosom. I just can't help myself; I'm a bosomaholic."
And that's just funny.
(There's a bosom story that makes it all make more sense, but suffice to say that bosom is an amusing word that isn't used with nearly enough frequency.)
And the last few episodes will exist again. As long as Kristin Chenoweth is somewhere, I am happy.
Whenever I call or text Bek, Kristin Chenoweth says "Bosom, bosom, bosom. I just can't help myself; I'm a bosomaholic."
And that's just funny.
(There's a bosom story that makes it all make more sense, but suffice to say that bosom is an amusing word that isn't used with nearly enough frequency.)
Friday, May 8, 2009
I didn't realize how long it'd been since I heard Cake on the radio until "The Distance" came on this morning. Cake is happiness (in both its edible and musical forms).
Thursday, May 7, 2009
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
Scrambled Eggs at Midnight
I just started reading this book, which has one of the best first lines in recent memory:
My mother is a wench. It says so right on her W-2.It also has, at might be expected, renaissance festivals. (Huzzah!) And Asheville. And illegally obtained explosives. I can't tell you for sure to go out and read it because I don't know if it ends well, but I'm liking it so far.
Saturday, May 2, 2009
Better than ordering pizza
Pardon the date on this - I have a small stockpile of things I've been meaning to post, but couldn't at the time for one reason or another.
This story, about a woman who ordered magazines for a neighbor she was fighting with, is among them. And amusingly creative. Not that I'd ever do a thing like that.
This story, about a woman who ordered magazines for a neighbor she was fighting with, is among them. And amusingly creative. Not that I'd ever do a thing like that.
Friday, May 1, 2009
Timing is everything
Car I parked next to this morning had this bumper sticker:
We're working be the best. Chrysler.
We're working be the best. Chrysler.
Thursday, April 30, 2009
Arr, matey, do this be buried treasure I spy?
Facebook has a "Pirate" option under available languages!!!!!!
This is the happiest day ever.
This is the happiest day ever.
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Actual conversation
Via text message, between my brother and myself, from 2:32 p.m. until 2:40 p.m. today:
Him: Guess what??!?!!
Me: What?!
Him: You'll be 30 in a few years!
Me: Thanks!
Him: You're old!
Me: And working :(
Him: Sucks. I have 2 classes left then 3 finals and no job for the summer! You're old
Aah, siblings. Aren't they sweet?
Him: Guess what??!?!!
Me: What?!
Him: You'll be 30 in a few years!
Me: Thanks!
Him: You're old!
Me: And working :(
Him: Sucks. I have 2 classes left then 3 finals and no job for the summer! You're old
Aah, siblings. Aren't they sweet?
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
So many recent posts!
Let's have a poll. Which one takes the cake?
My vote is for this post, because it teaches you about the four Ruppies.
I want one.
-----Edit on April 29 2009 12:33 AM -------
Scratch the above, I want this.
This post is going straight to cuteness overload.......
My vote is for this post, because it teaches you about the four Ruppies.
I want one.
-----Edit on April 29 2009 12:33 AM -------
Scratch the above, I want this.
This post is going straight to cuteness overload.......
Let's try this at home
A friend needed folks to do a Johari window for a project -- and now I'm curious to see how I am adjectived. Check this out and post yours in the comments if you want the rest of us (who know you) to vote on you.
Monday, April 27, 2009
We all scream
That vaguely familiar sound you remember from your childhood, but haven't heard in years? That's an ice cream truck circling Public Square.
And this is kind of weird. And not the song my ice cream truck played. But maybe yours is there.
And this is kind of weird. And not the song my ice cream truck played. But maybe yours is there.
Sunday, April 26, 2009
Nerdy happiness
GoogleScholar actually finding an academic peer-reviewed article for me when Emory couldn't! That's never happened for me before. Usually, all I get are links to the publisher's website saying, "You don't have access to view this article" (ok, so I'm paraphrasing).
And then, I managed to find another article that the database said wasn't available by searching for the e-journal itself. Aaaand ta-da: more unexpected success through an alternative route!
Plus, I found a really cool article about the consequences and contributions of speaking Spanish in the workplace. Not really related to the topic I'm writing on (the impact of social identification by employees on group functioning and culture), but very interesting -- and applicable to my own life -- nonetheless!
I'm absurdly delighted by all this.
(P.S. If anyone needs an academic article or more information on a topic, for any reason, let me know!)
And then, I managed to find another article that the database said wasn't available by searching for the e-journal itself. Aaaand ta-da: more unexpected success through an alternative route!
Plus, I found a really cool article about the consequences and contributions of speaking Spanish in the workplace. Not really related to the topic I'm writing on (the impact of social identification by employees on group functioning and culture), but very interesting -- and applicable to my own life -- nonetheless!
I'm absurdly delighted by all this.
(P.S. If anyone needs an academic article or more information on a topic, for any reason, let me know!)
Thursday, April 23, 2009
He's mine!
Usually, I just gaze at bike messengers from afar, but today I shared an elevator with one.
I learned that the secret of happy bike messengering is to dress in layers. Especially when you have 11-hour shifts (not fun) and the day starts in the 30s and is supposed to end near the 70s. (It didn't get there, but he had no way of knowing that this morning.)
My bike messenger (yes -- I'm claiming him) had a bag slung across his chest that had a seatbelt, complete with buckle, for a strap. I should have asked him where it came from. Because now I kind of want one.
I learned that the secret of happy bike messengering is to dress in layers. Especially when you have 11-hour shifts (not fun) and the day starts in the 30s and is supposed to end near the 70s. (It didn't get there, but he had no way of knowing that this morning.)
My bike messenger (yes -- I'm claiming him) had a bag slung across his chest that had a seatbelt, complete with buckle, for a strap. I should have asked him where it came from. Because now I kind of want one.
One editor told another one that the lead of my story was "engaging." When he read it, the second editor was impressed enough to shout across the newsroom, "That is a good lead!"
So that's exciting.
In related news, I thought I saw a bumper sticker that said woot. But that was just the glare -- it really said woof.
So that's exciting.
In related news, I thought I saw a bumper sticker that said woot. But that was just the glare -- it really said woof.
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Rush hour
There are a lot of traffic light on my commute, but it usually isn't too much trouble otherwise. Today, though, the road was backed up longer than it should have been and cars were moving from the right lane to the left. I figured there had been a fender bender. But I was wrong.
There was, instead, a long line at the Popeyes. So long, in fact, that it stretched out into the street and blocked traffic.
Which of course reminded me of this story -- it's not actually true, so I'm sending you the Snopes link, but it amuses me nonetheless.
There was, instead, a long line at the Popeyes. So long, in fact, that it stretched out into the street and blocked traffic.
Which of course reminded me of this story -- it's not actually true, so I'm sending you the Snopes link, but it amuses me nonetheless.
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Twice, now, I've seen giant blue buses -- school buses, if you will -- with "SHERIFF" emblazoned on them, driving down the street my office is on.
Aside from the image of prisoners having to sit three to a seat, it's funny for the paint job and because the bus seems too large for the road that it's on, where buildings are right up against the street.
It makes me giggle.
Aside from the image of prisoners having to sit three to a seat, it's funny for the paint job and because the bus seems too large for the road that it's on, where buildings are right up against the street.
It makes me giggle.
Monday, April 20, 2009
Spring is in the air
Or in my lawn.
That's right... we have daffodils. And other flowering things, the names of which I do not know.
Colorful, though. And awesome.
That's right... we have daffodils. And other flowering things, the names of which I do not know.
Colorful, though. And awesome.
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
Webster is all mine!
Technically, he was all mine a month ago. But it's harder to know that if you don't realize there's mail to be opened. But now that I have both tracked down and opened said mail, I have my very own car title. Huzzah!
He may get a long-overdue oil change and checkup. You know -- to celebrate.
Technically, he was all mine a month ago. But it's harder to know that if you don't realize there's mail to be opened. But now that I have both tracked down and opened said mail, I have my very own car title. Huzzah!
He may get a long-overdue oil change and checkup. You know -- to celebrate.
Monday, April 13, 2009
Babies have death grips
I met the four-month-old daughter of two of my good, good friends tonight. Of course, seeing them alone was excellent -- they live far too far away -- but adding an adorable baby just makes it that much more awesome. And she's a sweetheart. So I'm smiling.
Also, did you know that babies' ages are apparently calculated by weeks, and not actual months? I had no idea!
Also, did you know that babies' ages are apparently calculated by weeks, and not actual months? I had no idea!
Sunday, April 12, 2009
After all
I'm having a lot of small-world moments this weekend, finding that people are connected all over the place. It's kind of cool.
Friday, April 10, 2009
Each morning, I drive past a coffee shop, Carnegie Java, that has a mannequin (I suppose -- it's a life-sized, clothed person, but he has a face) outside beckoning me to come in. It's a lot like this guy, who welcomes you to Italian restaurants. Except for coffee.

Anyway, the guy creeps me out a little. His grin is too big. But this morning, he was wearing a Homer Simpson mask. And that was awesome.

Anyway, the guy creeps me out a little. His grin is too big. But this morning, he was wearing a Homer Simpson mask. And that was awesome.
Thursday, April 9, 2009
Moon roofs
Being observant is sometimes very distracting.
I drove home with my moon roof open today (what a strange phrase, moon roof) -- and when stopped at a light, noticed that all the cars around me had moon roofs. And all were also open.
So from then on, I had to pay attention to the tops of the cars around me. And there was many an open moon roof, let me tell you.
Most of them were tilted, though. I'm a slide kind of gal, myself.
I drove home with my moon roof open today (what a strange phrase, moon roof) -- and when stopped at a light, noticed that all the cars around me had moon roofs. And all were also open.
So from then on, I had to pay attention to the tops of the cars around me. And there was many an open moon roof, let me tell you.
Most of them were tilted, though. I'm a slide kind of gal, myself.
Reporters' humor
Y'gotta love a good sunshine law joke! (And more specifically, one about executive sessions. Humor about political details is failproof. Everyone gets it.)
See the cutline under the picture for the funny.
P.S. Have I ever mentioned we can be a bit.... nerdy?
See the cutline under the picture for the funny.
P.S. Have I ever mentioned we can be a bit.... nerdy?
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
All that in under a week!
Last Friday, Iowa passed legislation to legalize gay marriage!
And just this morning, Vermont followed suit!
AND as if that weren't enough, just today Washington, D.C., approved legislation to recognize same-sex marriages performed in other states!
It's a good week for civil rights. :)
I still can't help but to worry and fret, however, over the future of the despicable Proposition 8 in my own beloved California.....
And just this morning, Vermont followed suit!
AND as if that weren't enough, just today Washington, D.C., approved legislation to recognize same-sex marriages performed in other states!
It's a good week for civil rights. :)
I still can't help but to worry and fret, however, over the future of the despicable Proposition 8 in my own beloved California.....
So long
There's been a whole brouhaha regarding the sheriff here, who resigned late last month after being accused of all sorts of unsavory things. You can read all about him here (and it's interesting), but I want to call attention to one particular part that I thought was golden. From this article (Bova is the new, interim sheriff and McFaul is the old one):
After Bova was sworn in Saturday, he found two cabinets stuffed with about 30 liquor bottles. The booze was packed up and delivered to McFaul.
After Bova was sworn in Saturday, he found two cabinets stuffed with about 30 liquor bottles. The booze was packed up and delivered to McFaul.
"It is his personal property," Bova said.
Monday, April 6, 2009
I am beautiful!
I listen to college radio in the mornings, and one of the features of this particular station is commentary from God Squad member Father Harry, who is somehow affiliated with the Catholic college this station comes out of.
Father Harry usually pairs a pithy piece of advice with some pop music, to make it relevant to us young'uns. The other day, I burst out laughing as he started talking about self worth over Christina Aguilera's "I'm Beautiful."
"I know I'm not fat. I know I'm not stupid. I know I'm not ugly. I'm Father Harry," he said.
I just had to giggle at the thought of the priest going all Stewart Smalley with Christina in the background.
Father Harry usually pairs a pithy piece of advice with some pop music, to make it relevant to us young'uns. The other day, I burst out laughing as he started talking about self worth over Christina Aguilera's "I'm Beautiful."
"I know I'm not fat. I know I'm not stupid. I know I'm not ugly. I'm Father Harry," he said.
I just had to giggle at the thought of the priest going all Stewart Smalley with Christina in the background.
Saturday, April 4, 2009
Friday, April 3, 2009
By the rivers of...
Cleveland, there we sat down, and ate our lunch on the banks of the Cuyahoga.
(It makes a little more sense if you know the song, but it's still a bit of a stretch. I suppose.)
Point being that it was gorgeous yesterday and I ate lunch at the river with a couple co-workers. There was a saxophonist, there were dogs, everyone was smiling. It was good.
(It makes a little more sense if you know the song, but it's still a bit of a stretch. I suppose.)
Point being that it was gorgeous yesterday and I ate lunch at the river with a couple co-workers. There was a saxophonist, there were dogs, everyone was smiling. It was good.
Thursday, April 2, 2009
Joy is everywhere
I'm having a couple friends over for dinner and making blintze souffle, which is the most delicious thing in the world, as far as I'm concerned. (Though that isn't my recipe -- if you want mine, just ask. I don't have the time to type it out at the moment.) One of the ingredients is sour cream. And the brand I bought, Daisy, told me this when I took off the cap:
Little acts of kindness can add up to a lifetime of happiness.
Everyone's getting in on the wisdom-sharing these days!
Little acts of kindness can add up to a lifetime of happiness.
Everyone's getting in on the wisdom-sharing these days!
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Thursday, March 26, 2009
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Support your local newspaper
Considering all of the newspaper tumult, this makes me happy.
So does the fact that my local paper can do this and this, even while this and this are going on.
I could ramble on for a while, but I won't. And this one isn't happy, but you Atlanta folks should know this.
So, for the ending-happy: this zebra was found on the side of the road a year ago -- and is apparently doing well. Amazingly, it was not the first zebra in the news at the time. I believe there was another escaped one on the highway. And of course, zebra-kidnapping makes for a great prank (as long as you aren't a zebra owner, that is).
The zebras' names, by the way, are Evidence (which is what the police called the highway one) and Barcode. Which should be self-explanatory.
So does the fact that my local paper can do this and this, even while this and this are going on.
I could ramble on for a while, but I won't. And this one isn't happy, but you Atlanta folks should know this.
So, for the ending-happy: this zebra was found on the side of the road a year ago -- and is apparently doing well. Amazingly, it was not the first zebra in the news at the time. I believe there was another escaped one on the highway. And of course, zebra-kidnapping makes for a great prank (as long as you aren't a zebra owner, that is).
The zebras' names, by the way, are Evidence (which is what the police called the highway one) and Barcode. Which should be self-explanatory.
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Happy spring
Yes, yes... I know the equinox was Friday. But it's hard to believe it's spring when it's in the 30s and you put on a sweater in the morning.
Which is why I can wish you a happy one, at last.
Driving home, it was warm enough to open the moon roof (what a funny phrase, moon roof). And so I did.
Sun + wind + no snow. Yay!
(I've selectively forgotten that there tends to be a late-March/April snowstorm each year. I'm hoping the elements will, too.)
Which is why I can wish you a happy one, at last.
Driving home, it was warm enough to open the moon roof (what a funny phrase, moon roof). And so I did.
Sun + wind + no snow. Yay!
(I've selectively forgotten that there tends to be a late-March/April snowstorm each year. I'm hoping the elements will, too.)
Monday, March 23, 2009
It has come to my attention...
...that Pandora is not the household name it should be.
So let me tell you of its amazingness!
(It's amazing.)
Pandora lets you create a radio station based on songs or artists that you like -- it doesn't play only Madonna, for example, but it plays songs that are similar musically to what Madonna's doing. You can make your radio station Madonna-broad, and get songs like her total repertoire, or Like-a-Virgin-narrow, and only get songs similar to that one. You can mix Madonna and Billy Joel and Metallica and see what comes out.
And the cool thing is that it plays a lot of stuff from people you've never heard of. So you get to discover people!
If you hear a song you like, you can buy it. You can also share radio stations that you think other people would enjoy. And you constantly tweak them by giving specific songs thumbs-up or -down, or moving them to a different station.
Let me know if you join -- I'm happy to share some of my more-favorite stations to get you started.
So let me tell you of its amazingness!
(It's amazing.)
Pandora lets you create a radio station based on songs or artists that you like -- it doesn't play only Madonna, for example, but it plays songs that are similar musically to what Madonna's doing. You can make your radio station Madonna-broad, and get songs like her total repertoire, or Like-a-Virgin-narrow, and only get songs similar to that one. You can mix Madonna and Billy Joel and Metallica and see what comes out.
And the cool thing is that it plays a lot of stuff from people you've never heard of. So you get to discover people!
If you hear a song you like, you can buy it. You can also share radio stations that you think other people would enjoy. And you constantly tweak them by giving specific songs thumbs-up or -down, or moving them to a different station.
Let me know if you join -- I'm happy to share some of my more-favorite stations to get you started.
Limbo is the new Hell
There's a thread on the Grad Cafe dedicated to the creative expression of the pain of waiting for grad school acceptance letters through haikus (whew! Did that make sense?). First, asking members of the forum to compose haikus on such a topic is utterly wonderful in itself. Second, someone posted this haiku:
One letter today
Never been so sad to see
Grandma's birthday card
I know it's really quite tragic, but I can't help but take a disturbing, sadistic pleasure in that hopeful grad student's situation -- maybe because I know so well the disappointment therein. (And I know at least 2 other people on here who can also identify with this whole process!)
On an unrelated note, the latest episode of Dollhouse featured a song by Greg Laswell. Although this is not that song, I have to post it because I can't help but feel warm and hopeful and comforted when I listen to it; it's an assertion of the goodness in people (even though really, it boils down be to a simple love song). Listen to it, focus on the lyrics, and I dare you to disagree with me.
One letter today
Never been so sad to see
Grandma's birthday card
I know it's really quite tragic, but I can't help but take a disturbing, sadistic pleasure in that hopeful grad student's situation -- maybe because I know so well the disappointment therein. (And I know at least 2 other people on here who can also identify with this whole process!)
On an unrelated note, the latest episode of Dollhouse featured a song by Greg Laswell. Although this is not that song, I have to post it because I can't help but feel warm and hopeful and comforted when I listen to it; it's an assertion of the goodness in people (even though really, it boils down be to a simple love song). Listen to it, focus on the lyrics, and I dare you to disagree with me.
Saturday, March 21, 2009
I've been delinquent
Sorry, all you seekers of joy!
It's tardy, but I was most excited by last weekend's rash of named days -- Friday the 13th, Pi Day, the Ides of March and St. Patrick's Day, nearly all in a row.
And on St. Patrick's Day, the top of the Terminal Tower was green-lit and happy. Toora Loora Loora was on the Big Band station, followed by other Irish music. And there were drunken, green-clad people everywhere downtown -- including a guy in a Leprechaun costume and a gigantic green mohawk.
It was pretty snazzy to see so many people bouncing around, even if I did have to work through it.
Other awesome things: fantastic hot chocolate, the converging of friends from four states for makeshift reunions, Clue, international films, the making of new friends and the reconnecting with old ones -- and finding out they're worth reconnecting with, Gail Collins, Pandora and this song.
It doesn't make up for my absence, but maybe it's enough to tide you over for the inevitable next one.
It's tardy, but I was most excited by last weekend's rash of named days -- Friday the 13th, Pi Day, the Ides of March and St. Patrick's Day, nearly all in a row.
And on St. Patrick's Day, the top of the Terminal Tower was green-lit and happy. Toora Loora Loora was on the Big Band station, followed by other Irish music. And there were drunken, green-clad people everywhere downtown -- including a guy in a Leprechaun costume and a gigantic green mohawk.
It was pretty snazzy to see so many people bouncing around, even if I did have to work through it.
Other awesome things: fantastic hot chocolate, the converging of friends from four states for makeshift reunions, Clue, international films, the making of new friends and the reconnecting with old ones -- and finding out they're worth reconnecting with, Gail Collins, Pandora and this song.
It doesn't make up for my absence, but maybe it's enough to tide you over for the inevitable next one.
Sunday, March 15, 2009
Thursday, March 12, 2009
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
You know those oval bumper stickers with letters that represent all the totally awesome places you've vacationed and I haven't? Yeah, those. They're kind of annoying.
But the one I saw today was kind of awesome.
It was a yellow oval with a black moose in it. That's all.
Kristy and Jennie will most appreciate my joy. So will Chrys and Christy, by proxy.
But the one I saw today was kind of awesome.
It was a yellow oval with a black moose in it. That's all.
Kristy and Jennie will most appreciate my joy. So will Chrys and Christy, by proxy.
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
It looks like red celery
I really like rhubarb.
So I made some tonight.
(It smells good, but I wasn't hungry anymore by the time it finished... so it's on tomorrow's menu.)
There are a ton of things you can do with it, but the easiest: Wash and cut a few stalks. Add to boiling water that just covers the pieces. Keep on low heat, stirring until the rhubarb pieces break up. Add sugar to taste (rhubarb is really tart, so it depends on how much you like that). When the pieces are really stringy, add some sliced strawberries. Stir. Remove from heat (cool, if you want) and enjoy!
Mmm, tasty.
So I made some tonight.
(It smells good, but I wasn't hungry anymore by the time it finished... so it's on tomorrow's menu.)
There are a ton of things you can do with it, but the easiest: Wash and cut a few stalks. Add to boiling water that just covers the pieces. Keep on low heat, stirring until the rhubarb pieces break up. Add sugar to taste (rhubarb is really tart, so it depends on how much you like that). When the pieces are really stringy, add some sliced strawberries. Stir. Remove from heat (cool, if you want) and enjoy!
Mmm, tasty.
Monday, March 9, 2009
Dancing fountain
I went to a play Friday night, and had some time to kill before I headed over to Playhouse Square. So I went to Tower City, Cleveland's downtown mall, to watch the dancing fountain for a little while. The video isn't awesome, but you get the idea -- it shoots water in time to classical music. There's room to sit around the base and you can't see it, but spotlights focus on the water. It's really pretty cool.
And the play wasn't too shabby, either.
And the play wasn't too shabby, either.
Saturday, March 7, 2009
Too funny for words.
Said Arielle to me: "I don't want to be a bad influence on you!"
(Placing it in context, I had offered to take her to a strip club and get her drunk by doing tequila shots from the bosom of one of the girls there.)
(Placing it in context, I had offered to take her to a strip club and get her drunk by doing tequila shots from the bosom of one of the girls there.)
Friday, March 6, 2009
Thursday, March 5, 2009
Sunny day

Sweeping the -- clouds away...
Today, I met Rosita from Sesame Street. (Don't worry, she wasn't around when we were kids. You aren't missing out on some integral part of your childhood.) That brings my Sesame Street total to three (if you count Big Bird and Oscar as two, even though they're voiced by the same person... which I totally do).
The pre-school class that performed with her was loving it. She was pretty fantastic.
Then my iPod did a really good job of playing all the Sesame Street songs while I was listening at work... including, yes, the Oscar ballad "I Love Trash."
Which was performed at my college graduation.
After which the person I sat next to and I turned to each other and said, "I think I can die happy now."
Can you tell me how to get to Sesame Street?
Not the numbskulls
Bumper sticker on the car in front of me for part of the drive home:
Forget Life. Play Snood.
My college roommate (hi!) has a Snood T-shirt. She also used to think that you were graded on speed, not how many Snoods you knocked down, so she would play rapid-fire games on my computer (it's easier with a desktop mouse) and shout things like "No!!! The monsters are going to eat me!"
It was all very funny.
And you can get the bumper sticker on that second site, btw.
Forget Life. Play Snood.
My college roommate (hi!) has a Snood T-shirt. She also used to think that you were graded on speed, not how many Snoods you knocked down, so she would play rapid-fire games on my computer (it's easier with a desktop mouse) and shout things like "No!!! The monsters are going to eat me!"
It was all very funny.
And you can get the bumper sticker on that second site, btw.
Thursday, February 26, 2009
Butt Butt Game
So, today is my birthday. Happiness to begin with.
Andy let me open my bday presents this morning. One of the things that I got is Rayman Raving Rabbids TV Party. The First Video Game you can Play with your BUTT!!!! Yay!!! I am way super crazy excited.
Andy let me open my bday presents this morning. One of the things that I got is Rayman Raving Rabbids TV Party. The First Video Game you can Play with your BUTT!!!! Yay!!! I am way super crazy excited.
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Those little cars must not get good gas mileage.
On the corner of Briarcliff and Ponce, there was a circus clown, complete with shoes, painted face, and oversized red wig, calmly waiting for the bus.
Monday, February 23, 2009
A flock of seagulls
Right before sunset, when the sun is bright in the sky, low. They appear from behind a tan building like tossed confetti, scattered against the grey clouds. Their bellies are white and the sun illuminates their feathers, they shine sepia through my sunglasses, banking and diving toward the water.
Sunday, February 22, 2009
I have Internet again!
And so I share with you this:
Apparently, a picture in the paper featured a wrench and pen, positioned so that they looked as if they were... getting it on. A few co-workers were talking about it, and I asked to see the picture.
One of them responds:
"I don't think you should look at it, Arielle. I have an image of you as very wholesome."
So true. And yet... I was the one who passed around Forever at school in 5th grade, too. Which is way more explicit than Wikipedia would have you believe, for the record.
And so I share with you this:
Apparently, a picture in the paper featured a wrench and pen, positioned so that they looked as if they were... getting it on. A few co-workers were talking about it, and I asked to see the picture.
One of them responds:
"I don't think you should look at it, Arielle. I have an image of you as very wholesome."
So true. And yet... I was the one who passed around Forever at school in 5th grade, too. Which is way more explicit than Wikipedia would have you believe, for the record.
Friday, February 20, 2009
Because Rel.....
..... doesn't have internet right now, I'm channelling her essence (or something) to send this message.
There were mounties! In Cleveland! Ok, so not quite mounties because it IS just Cleveland, but they were policemen on horses. And that's close enough, right? Regardless, it was thrilling.
There were mounties! In Cleveland! Ok, so not quite mounties because it IS just Cleveland, but they were policemen on horses. And that's close enough, right? Regardless, it was thrilling.
Thursday, February 12, 2009
It must be a cultural thing.
While creating an account with the California State University San Bernardino so as to apply for their MA program, I encountered this mostly standard form:
Your Information
First Name: _______________________
____ Check here if you do not have a first name.
Middle Name: _________________________
Last Name: ____________________________
Your Information
First Name: _______________________
____ Check here if you do not have a first name.
Middle Name: _________________________
Last Name: ____________________________
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
Best name ever
For a yoga studio: There's No Place Like OM.
Apparently, they specialize in yoga-in-the-nude. Which is also funny.
Apparently, they specialize in yoga-in-the-nude. Which is also funny.
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
Parking tickets
Waiting for the trolley today, I saw the most awesome thing: a meter maid posse.
There were four of them (three women and a man, if I recall) all dressed in their pseudo-cop outfits complete with hats and badges. And they were all standing around one car, one at each corner. Only one of them was writing a ticket, though.
Then they strode down the street, two by two, daring anyone to mess with the meter maids.
You could almost see them snapping as they went.
There were four of them (three women and a man, if I recall) all dressed in their pseudo-cop outfits complete with hats and badges. And they were all standing around one car, one at each corner. Only one of them was writing a ticket, though.
Then they strode down the street, two by two, daring anyone to mess with the meter maids.
You could almost see them snapping as they went.
Sunday, February 8, 2009
There's something very satisfying about breaking up huge chunks of ice with a shovel and tossing them aside (even if by tossing, I really mean kicking a mere inch or two, since I can't lift the things). Also, it decreases the likelihood of my falling on my butt on the ice again -- and while ice is fun when the sliding on it is intentional, the unintentional sliding is a lot less entertaining.
I need to add that a second light bulb just exploded. These things are dangerous!
Luckily, I still have some potatoes.
I need to add that a second light bulb just exploded. These things are dangerous!
Luckily, I still have some potatoes.
Friday, February 6, 2009
You have permission to hit me
But I never had a livejournal! So I never got to do memes! And I was listening to my iPod when I saw this one on Facebook, and did it for fun... and most of the answers amused me. So I'm pasting it here. Snarky comments encouraged.
1. Put Your MP3 player on Shuffle.
2. For each question, press the next button to get your answer.
3. You must write down the name of the song no matter how silly it sounds!
4. Put any comments in brackets after the song name.
What do your friends think of you?
All at Sea - Jamie Cullum (I'm amused. Oh, her? She's all at sea or something.)
If someone says, “Is this okay?” You say?
Point Breeze - Marah (I have no idea who this is or where it came from, but the phrase kind of works. And I'm liking the song.)
How would you describe yourself?
Over My Head - The Fray (That's sad!)
What do you like in a guy/girl?
When You're Smiling - Michael Buble (It's true.)
How do you feel today?
Still - Brian McKnight (I've got nothing.)
What is your life’s purpose?
See You in September - The Mamas and the Papas (I take this to mean travel.)
What is your motto?
Just Happy to Be Me - Sesame Street (Yes, you read that right.)
What do you think about very often?
If I had a Hammer - Peter, Paul and Mary (I'd hammer out love between my brothers and my sisters...)
What is 2 + 2?
Do You Believe in Magic? - Lovin' Spoonful (aka, the only way to do math.)
What do you think of your best friend?
Beauty Mark - Rufus Wainwright (And gorgeous she is.)
What do you think of the person you like?
Gel - Collective Soul (I suppose in theory we would gel, yes.)
What is your life story?
Flinty Kind of Woman - Dar Williams (I can only wish.)
What do you want to be when you grow up?
Wild Horses - Charlotte Martin (I'll take that.)
What do you think of when you see the person you like?
Only Wanna Be with You - Hootie and the Blowfish (Collectively... awww.)
What will you dance to at your wedding?
Tired of Being Alone - Starbucks Rock Steady 1971 (From a CD from my brother's coffee days. How depressing, though!)
What will be played at your funeral?
Wasted - Martin Sexton (Which is what all will be afterwards...)
What is your hobby/interest?
Things She Said - Toy Matinee (aka, eavesdropping.)
What is your biggest fear?
Paperweight - Josh Radin (Those things can be deadly...)
What is your biggest secret?
How Do You Talk to an Angel? - Jamie Walters (Seems pretty accurate.)
What do you think of your friends?
Since I've Been Loving You - Led Zepplin (Long time.)
What will you post this as?
Love Will Keep Us Alive - Eagles (Except I won't.)
1. Put Your MP3 player on Shuffle.
2. For each question, press the next button to get your answer.
3. You must write down the name of the song no matter how silly it sounds!
4. Put any comments in brackets after the song name.
What do your friends think of you?
All at Sea - Jamie Cullum (I'm amused. Oh, her? She's all at sea or something.)
If someone says, “Is this okay?” You say?
Point Breeze - Marah (I have no idea who this is or where it came from, but the phrase kind of works. And I'm liking the song.)
How would you describe yourself?
Over My Head - The Fray (That's sad!)
What do you like in a guy/girl?
When You're Smiling - Michael Buble (It's true.)
How do you feel today?
Still - Brian McKnight (I've got nothing.)
What is your life’s purpose?
See You in September - The Mamas and the Papas (I take this to mean travel.)
What is your motto?
Just Happy to Be Me - Sesame Street (Yes, you read that right.)
What do you think about very often?
If I had a Hammer - Peter, Paul and Mary (I'd hammer out love between my brothers and my sisters...)
What is 2 + 2?
Do You Believe in Magic? - Lovin' Spoonful (aka, the only way to do math.)
What do you think of your best friend?
Beauty Mark - Rufus Wainwright (And gorgeous she is.)
What do you think of the person you like?
Gel - Collective Soul (I suppose in theory we would gel, yes.)
What is your life story?
Flinty Kind of Woman - Dar Williams (I can only wish.)
What do you want to be when you grow up?
Wild Horses - Charlotte Martin (I'll take that.)
What do you think of when you see the person you like?
Only Wanna Be with You - Hootie and the Blowfish (Collectively... awww.)
What will you dance to at your wedding?
Tired of Being Alone - Starbucks Rock Steady 1971 (From a CD from my brother's coffee days. How depressing, though!)
What will be played at your funeral?
Wasted - Martin Sexton (Which is what all will be afterwards...)
What is your hobby/interest?
Things She Said - Toy Matinee (aka, eavesdropping.)
What is your biggest fear?
Paperweight - Josh Radin (Those things can be deadly...)
What is your biggest secret?
How Do You Talk to an Angel? - Jamie Walters (Seems pretty accurate.)
What do you think of your friends?
Since I've Been Loving You - Led Zepplin (Long time.)
What will you post this as?
Love Will Keep Us Alive - Eagles (Except I won't.)
The Craziest Thing Happened on the Way to the Library Today....
OK, OK... so it was AT the library, YESTERDAY. But you know how I love my catchy titles.
So, I have been spending more and more time at the previously dumped upon Durham Public Library. I am, in fact, there right now! I was here yesterday, as well, with one of my clients. It is a convenient place to meet, as it is not as distracting as the home, not as cold as the outside, has computers, and doesnt require a specific action (e.g.: going to the museum basically means we will be viewing the exhibits at the museum.)
Anyhow... My client and I were at the library, playing games on the computer. And the fire alarm went off!!! We all had to evacuate the library. Some people were pissed. We just braved the cold and went to the playground instead.
I don't know why this strikes me as so amusing, but it does. A loud, blinking, fear inducing alarm. At a LIBRARY. Who'd'a'thunkit?
Something else I find extrememly amusing? I am posting about this incident instead of writing my case note on said outing. Aye De Mi.
So, I have been spending more and more time at the previously dumped upon Durham Public Library. I am, in fact, there right now! I was here yesterday, as well, with one of my clients. It is a convenient place to meet, as it is not as distracting as the home, not as cold as the outside, has computers, and doesnt require a specific action (e.g.: going to the museum basically means we will be viewing the exhibits at the museum.)
Anyhow... My client and I were at the library, playing games on the computer. And the fire alarm went off!!! We all had to evacuate the library. Some people were pissed. We just braved the cold and went to the playground instead.
I don't know why this strikes me as so amusing, but it does. A loud, blinking, fear inducing alarm. At a LIBRARY. Who'd'a'thunkit?
Something else I find extrememly amusing? I am posting about this incident instead of writing my case note on said outing. Aye De Mi.
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
Teacher, teacher
Tonight, I had tea with one of my elementary/middle school teachers. And I got a chance to tell her just what an impact she had on me, and how the things she taught resonated in very broad ways. And unexpected ones.
For example, she unknowingly connected me to a friend in Georgia who I met when I was 12, then reconnected with years later. If not for this teacher, I never would have met this woman. But I also wouldn't have learned -- at least not for a long while -- that not everything I did was perfect from the start. And that's good knowledge to have.
That's just the start of it, too. (I really can't overstate her awesomeness. Just so you know.)
For example, she unknowingly connected me to a friend in Georgia who I met when I was 12, then reconnected with years later. If not for this teacher, I never would have met this woman. But I also wouldn't have learned -- at least not for a long while -- that not everything I did was perfect from the start. And that's good knowledge to have.
That's just the start of it, too. (I really can't overstate her awesomeness. Just so you know.)
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
I was there!
While flipping through my 900-odd TV channels (can we pause for a moment to discuss why it's cheaper to get 900 channels than, say, fewer than that?), I discovered that several of the channels are music stations. After flipping through the '80s (Manic Monday) and the '90s (Sting), I landed on the "alternative" station. It had Shawn Mullins singing Rockabye... live at the Variety Playhouse!
And while I haven't seen Shawn Mullins there (though I saw him at the Lawerenceville gazebo), I have been to the Variety. And it made me smile that sitting here in Cleveland, I was listening to a local boy perform at a place I'd been while sitting on the couch watching the telly.
And while I haven't seen Shawn Mullins there (though I saw him at the Lawerenceville gazebo), I have been to the Variety. And it made me smile that sitting here in Cleveland, I was listening to a local boy perform at a place I'd been while sitting on the couch watching the telly.
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